please dont rip this site


Name: Mr. David A Cary
Company: (looking)
Web Site: /* was */ ... also

Dear friend,

Welcome to my little cubbyhole on the Massmind site.

As you can see, I've grabbed ownership of bunches of pages, mostly because I thought I could format them better.

I like to think I made some improvement on those pages. But I admit they're still quite ugly.

I am more than happy to turn ownership of any of my Massmind pages (except this page about me) to anyone willing to take ownership.

2014:DAV: Early this year Russ Hensel and I took over maintenance of the Open Circuits wiki, and restored it from backup. Working on a long-term consulting project involving remote control of TV studio-quality traffic cameras and weather cameras. Also trying to set up a place to discuss high-availability geographically distributed systems at . Learning the Python programming language. Currently looking for other interesting consulting projects.

2005:DAV: currently working on a fascinating project that could potentially use dozens of PIC processors. Also looking for a job to fund my projects :-).

I also want to set up a "software bazaar" -- how?

I also edit more-or-less related wiki --

I did circuit design and layout that included Microchip PIC processors at Enduro PLS (with Altium DXP) and Motorguide Pinpoint (with Protel 99se).

Dear Rubén, your email bounced. See ../../microchip/tables.htm .

David Cary maintains the independent Protel FAQ, including:

David Cary maintains these hardware-oriented pages:

David Cary maintains these software-oriented pages:

David Cary maintains these other Piclist pages: [FIXME: split into 2 sections: "software" and "hardware" ?]

Comments Pages:

/techref/readmodwrite.htm -- the Read-Modify-Write problem

Questions Pages:

Code Pages:

See also Pages:

huh ?



change Pages:



file: /Techref/member/DAV-MP-E62a/index.htm, 12KB, , updated: 2017/4/22 02:40, local time: 2024/9/17 11:16, owner: DAV-MP-E62a,

 ©2024 These pages are served without commercial sponsorship. (No popup ads, etc...).Bandwidth abuse increases hosting cost forcing sponsorship or shutdown. This server aggressively defends against automated copying for any reason including offline viewing, duplication, etc... Please respect this requirement and DO NOT RIP THIS SITE. Questions?
Please DO link to this page! Digg it! / MAKE!

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