The SX instruction set is PIC 16x54 compatible with a few additions....
Use Al Williams Microchip-style mnemonics (cached 20000731) for PIC coding in the SXKey.
Use from Richard Ottosen for Scenix coding in MPLAB then program the Hex file to the SX using just about any SX Programmer
See also:
Instruction | Cycles | Flags | Affects | Refs | Description | Details | Microchip Menomics |
byte-oriented operations | |||||||
MOV W,#lit | 1 | - | W | lit | Move literal into W ( W = lit ) | Users Manual p103 | MOVLW lit |
MOV W,fr | 1 | Z | W | fr | Move fr into W ( W = fr ) | Users Manual p95 | MOVF fr,0 |
MOV fr,W | 1 | - | fr | W | Move W into fr ( fr = W ) | Users Manual p89 | MOVWF fr |
MOV fr,#lit | 2 | - | W fr | lit | Move literal into fr ( fr = lit ) | See: mov W, #lit; mov fr, W | MOVLW lit; MOVWF fr |
MOV fr1,fr2 | 2 | Z | W fr1 | fr2 | Move fr2 into fr1 ( fr1 = fr2 ) | See: mov W, fr2; mov fr1, W | MOVF fr2,0; MOVWF fr1 |
ADD W,fr | 1 | C DC Z | W | fr | Add fr into W ( W += fr ) | Users Manual p70 | ADDWF fr,0 |
ADD fr,W | 1 | C DC Z | fr | W | Add W into fr ( fr += W ) | Users Manual p69 | ADDWF fr,1 |
ADD fr,#lit | 2 | C DC Z | W fr | lit | Add literal into fr ( fr += W = lit ) | See: mov W, #lit; add fr, W | MOVLW lit; ADDWF fr,1 |
ADD fr1,fr2 | 2 | C DC Z | W fr1 | fr2 | Add fr2 into fr1 ( fr1 += W = fr2 ) | See: mov W, fr2; add fr1, W | MOVF fr2,0; ADDWF fr1,1 |
MOV W,fr-W | 1 | C DC Z | W | fr | Move fr - W into W ( W -= fr ) | Users Manual p97 | SUBWF fr,0 |
SUB fr,W | 1 | C DC Z | fr | W | Subtract W from fr ( fr -= W ) | Users Manual p124 | SUBWF fr,1 |
SUB fr,#lit | 2 | C DC Z | W fr | lit | Subtract lit from fr ( fr -= W = lit ) | See: mov W, #lit; sub fr, W | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,1 |
SUB fr1,fr2 | 2 | C DC Z | W fr1 | fr2 | Subtract fr2 from fr1 ( fr1 -= W = fr2 ) | See: mov W, fr2; sub fr1, W | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,1 |
AND W,#lit | 1 | Z | W | lit | AND literal into W ( W &= lit ) | Users Manual p73 | ANDLW lit |
AND W,fr | 1 | Z | W | fr | AND fr into W ( W &= fr ) | Users Manual p72 | ANDWF fr,0 |
AND fr,W | 1 | Z | fr | W | AND W into fr ( fr &= W ) | Users Manual p71 | ANDWF fr,1 |
AND fr,#lit | 2 | Z | W fr | lit | AND literal into fr ( fr &= W = lit ) | See: mov W, #lit; and fr, W | MOVLW lit; ANDWF fr,1 |
AND fr1,fr2 | 2 | Z | W fr1 | fr2 | AND fr2 into fr1 ( fr1 &= W = fr2 ) | See: mov W, fr2; and fr, W | MOVF fr2,0; ANDWF fr,1 |
OR W,#lit | 1 | Z | W | lit | OR literal into W ( W |= lit ) | Users Manual p111 | IORLW lit |
OR W,fr | 1 | Z | W | fr | OR fr into W ( W |= fr ) | Users Manual p110 | IORWF fr,0 |
OR fr,W | 1 | Z | fr | W | OR W into fr ( fr |= W ) | Users Manual p109 | IORWF fr,1 |
OR fr,#lit | 2 | Z | W fr | lit | OR literal into fr ( fr |= W = lit ) | See: mov W, #lit; or fr, W | MOVLW lit; IORWF fr,1 |
OR fr1,fr2 | 2 | Z | W fr1 | fr2 | OR fr2 into fr1 ( fr1 |= W = fr2 ) | See: mov W, fr2; or fr1, W | MOVF fr2,0; IORWF fr1,1 |
XOR W,#lit | 1 | Z | W | lit | XOR literal into W ( W ^= lit ) | Users Manual p130 | XORLW lit |
XOR W,fr | 1 | Z | W | fr | XOR fr into W ( W ^= fr ) | Users Manual p129 | XORWF fr,0 |
XOR fr,W | 1 | Z | fr | W | XOR W into fr ( fr ^= W ) | Users Manual p128 | XORWF fr,1 |
XOR fr,#lit | 2 | Z | W fr | lit | XOR literal into fr ( fr ^= W = lit ) | See: mov W, #lit; xor fr, W | MOVLW lit; XORWF fr,1 |
XOR fr1,fr2 | 2 | Z | W fr1 | fr2 | XOR fr2 into fr1 ( fr1 ^= W = fr2 ) | See: mov W, fr2; xor fr1, W | MOVF fr2,0; XORWF fr1,1 |
CLR W | 1 | Z | W | - | Clear W ( W = 0 ) | Users Manual p79 | CLRW |
CLR fr | 1 | Z | fr | - | Clear fr ( fr = 0 ) | Users Manual p78 | CLRF fr |
MOV W,++fr | 1 | Z | W | fr | Move fr + 1 into W ( W = 1 + fr ) | Users Manual p99 | INCF fr,0 |
INC fr | 1 | Z | fr | fr | Increment fr ( fr = 1 + fr ) | Users Manual p84 | INCF fr,1 |
MOV W,--fr | 1 | Z | W | fr | Move fr - 1 into W ( W = -1 + fr ) | Users Manual p98 | DECF fr,0 |
DEC fr | 1 | Z | fr | fr | Decrement fr ( fr = -1 + fr ) | Users Manual p82 | DECF fr,1 |
MOV W,<FR | 1 | C | W | fr | Move left-rotated fr into W ( W = C + fr << 1 fr ) | Users Manual p100 | RLF fr,0 |
RL fr | 1 | C | fr | fr | Rotate left fr ( fr = C + fr << 1 fr ) | Users Manual p118 | RLF fr,1 |
MOV W,>>fr | 1 | C | W | fr | Move right-rotated fr into W ( W = C * 128 + fr >> 1 fr ) | Users Manual p101 | RRF fr,0 |
RR fr | 1 | C | fr | fr | Rotate right fr ( fr = C * 128 + fr >> 1 fr ) | Users Manual p119 | RRF fr,1 |
MOV W,<>fr | 1 | - | W | fr | Move nibble-swapped fr into W ( W = (( fr & 0xF0 ) >> 4 ) | (( fr & 0x0F ) << 4 ) fr ) | Users Manual p102 | SWAPF fr,0 |
SWAP fr | 1 | - | fr | fr | Swap nibbles in fr ( fr = (( fr & 0xF0 ) >> 4 ) | (( fr & 0x0F ) << 4 ) fr ) | Users Manual p126 | SWAPF fr,1 |
NOT W | 1 | Z | W | W | Perform not on W ( W = 0xFF ^ W ) | See: xor w,#$FF | XORLW 0FFh |
MOV W,/fr | 1 | Z | W | fr | Move not'd fr into W ( W = 0xFF ^ fr ) | Users Manual p96 | COMF fr,0 |
NOT fr | 1 | Z | fr | fr | Perform not on fr ( fr = 0xFF ^ fr ) | Users Manual p108 | COMF fr,1 |
TEST W | 1 | Z | W | W | Test W for zero ( W = 0 | W ) | See: or W,#lit | IORLW 0 |
TEST fr | 1 | Z | fr | fr | Test fr for zero ( fr = 0 | fr ) | Users Manual p127 | MOVF fr,1 |
TSTN w | 1 | Z | W | W | Test W for $FF ( W ) | See: xor W,#$FF | XORLW 0FFh |
TSTN fr | 1 | Z | fr | fr | Test fr for $FF ( fr ) | See: mov W,/fr | COMF fr,1 |
"Secret" instructions | |||||||
PushW | 1 | ? | Wstack | W | Push W to the "secret" W stack | Secrets: DW $048 | |
PopW | 1 | ? | W | Wstack | Pop W from the "secret" W stack | Secrets: DW $04C | |
PushSTAT | 1 | ? | STATstack | W | Push W to the "secret" Status stack | Secrets: DW $049 | |
PopSTAT | 1 | ? | W | STATstack | Pop Status from the "secret" W stack | Secrets: DW $04D | |
PushFSR | 1 | ? | FSRstack | W | Push W to the "secret" FSR stack | Secrets: DW $04A | |
PopFSR | 1 | ? | W | FSRstack | Pop W from the "secret" FSR stack | Secrets: DW $04E | |
bit-oriented operations | |||||||
CLRB bit | 1 | - | fr bit | fr | Clear bit ( fr,bit = !( 1 << bit ) & fr ) | Users Manual p81 | BCF bit |
CLC | 1 | C | - | - | Clear carry ( - ) | See: CLRB bit | BCF 3,0 |
CLZ | 1 | Z | - | - | Clear zero ( - ) | See: CLRB bit | BCF 3,2 |
SETB bit | 1 | - | fr bit | fr | Set bit ( fr,bit = ( 1 << bit ) | fr ) | Users Manual p121 | BSF bit |
STC | 1 | C | - | - | Set carry ( - ) | See: setb 3.0 | BSF 3,0 |
STZ | 1 | Z | - | - | Set zero ( - ) | See: setb 3.2 | BSF 3,2 |
CC | 2 | C, DC | Status | Status | Complement Carry | Macro: clrb 3.1; incsz 3 | BCF 3,1; INCFSZ 3,1 |
ADDB fr,bit | 2 | Z | fr | bit | Add bit into fr ( fr += bit ) | See: snb bit; inc fr | BTFSC bit; INCF fr,1 |
ADDB fr,/bit | 2 | Z | fr | bit | Add not bit into fr ( fr += ! bit ) | See: sb bit; inc fr | BTFSS bit; INCF fr,1 |
SUBB fr,bit | 2 | Z | fr | bit | Subtract bit from fr ( fr -= bit ) | See: snb bit; dec fr | BTFSC bit; DECF fr,1 |
SUBB fr,/bit | 2 | Z | fr | bit | Subtract not bit from fr ( fr -= ! bit ) | See: sb bit; dec fr | BTFSS bit; DECF fr,1 |
MOVB bit1,bit2 | 4 | - | bit1 | bit2 | Move bit2 into bit1 ( bit1 = bit2 ) | See: sb bit2; clrb bit1; snb bit2; setb bit1 | BTFSS bit2; BCF bit1; BTFSC bit2; BSF bit1 (doesn't work) |
MOVB bit1,/bit2 | 4 | - | bit1 | bit2 | Move not bit2 into bit1 ( bit1 = ! bit2 ) | See: snb bit2; clrb bit1; sb bit2; setb bit1 | BTFSC bit2; BCF bit1; BTFSS bit2; BSF bit1 (doesn't work) |
inc/dec-conditional branches | |||||||
MOVSZ W,++fr | 1 | - | W | fr | Move fr + 1 into W, skip if zero ( W = 1 + fr ) | Users Manual p106 | INCFSZ fr,0 |
INCSZ fr | 1 | - | fr PC | fr | Increment fr , skip if zero ( ++ fr == 0 ? PC++ ) | Users Manual p85 | INCFSZ fr,1 |
IJNZ fr,addr | 2 * | - | fr PC | fr | Increment fr , jump if not zero ( ++ fr == 0 ? PC = addr ) | See: incsz fr; jmp addr | INCFSZ fr,1; GOTO addr |
MOVSZ W,--fr | 1 | - | W PC | fr | Move fr - 1 into W, skip if zero ( ( W = --fr ) == 0 ? PC++ ) | Users Manual p105 | DECFSZ fr,0 |
DECSZ fr | 1 | - | fr PC | fr | Decrement fr , skip if zero ( -- fr == 0 ? PC++ ) | Users Manual p83 | DECFSZ fr,1 |
DJNZ fr,addr | 2 * | - | fr PC | fr | Decrement fr , jump if not zero ( -- fr == 0 ? PC = addr ) | See: decsz fr; jmp addr | DECFSZ fr,1; GOTO addr |
compare-conditional branches (see also: Program Flow Methods - Comparing values) | |||||||
CSE fr,#lit | 3 | C DC Z | W PC | fr lit | Compare, skip if equal ( ( W = lit - fr ) == 0 ? PC++ ) | See: mov W, #lit; mov W, fr-w; sb 3.2 | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,2 |
CSE fr1,fr2 | 3 | C DC Z | W PC | fr1 fr2 | Compare, skip if equal ( ( W = fr1 - fr2 ) == 0 ? PC++ ) | See: mov W, fr2; mov W, fr1-w; sb 3.2 | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSS 3,2 |
CSNE fr,#lit | 3 | C DC Z | W PC | fr lit | Compare, skip if not equal ( ( W = lit - fr ) != 0 ? PC++ ) | See: mov W, #lit; mov W, fr-w; snb 3.2 | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,2 |
CSNE fr1,fr2 | 3 | C DC Z | W PC | fr1 fr2 | Compare, skip if not equal ( ( W = fr1 - fr2 ) != 0 ? PC++ ) | See: mov W, fr2; mov W, fr1-w; snb 3.2 | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSC 3,2 |
CSA fr,#lit | 3 | C DC Z | W PC | fr lit | Compare, skip if above ( ( W = lit - fr ) < 0 ? PC++ ) | See: mov W, #/lit; add W, fr; sb 3.0 | MOVLW /lit; ADDWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,0 |
CSA fr1,fr2 | 3 | C DC Z | W PC | fr1 fr2 | Compare, skip if above ( ( W = fr1 - fr2 ) < 0 ? PC++ ) | See: mov W, fr1; mov W, fr2-w; snb 3.0 | MOVF fr1,0; SUBWF fr2,0; BTFSC 3,0 |
CSAE fr,#lit | 3 | C DC Z | W PC | fr lit | Compare, skip if above or equal ( ( W = lit - fr ) <= 0 ? PC++ ) | See: mov W, #lit; mov W, fr-w; sb 3.0 | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,0 |
CSAE fr1,fr2 | 3 | C DC Z | W PC | fr1 fr2 | Compare, skip if above or equal ( ( W = fr1 - fr2 ) <= 0 ? PC++ ) | See: mov W, fr2; mov W, fr1-w; sb 3.0 | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSS 3,0 |
CSB fr,#lit | 3 | C DC Z | W PC | fr lit | Compare, skip if below ( ( W = lit - fr ) > 0 ? PC++ ) | See: mov W, #lit; mov W, fr-w; snb 3.0 | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,0 |
CSB fr1,fr2 | 3 | C DC Z | W PC | fr1 fr2 | Compare, skip if below ( ( W = fr1 - fr2 ) > 0 ? PC++ ) | See: mov W, fr2; mov W, fr1-w; snb 3.0 | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSC 3,0 |
CSBE fr,#lit | 3 | C DC Z | W PC | fr lit | Compare, skip if below or equal ( ( W = lit - fr ) >= 0 ? PC++ ) | See: mov W, #/lit; add W, fr; snb 3.0 | MOVLW /lit; ADDWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,0 |
CSBE fr1,fr2 | 3 | C DC Z | W PC | fr1 fr2 | Compare, skip if below or equal ( ( W = fr1 - fr2 ) >= 0 ? PC++ ) | See: mov W, fr1; mov W, fr2-w; sb 3.0 | MOVF fr1,0; SUBWF fr2,0; BTFSS 3,0 |
bit-conditional branches | |||||||
CJE fr,#lit,addr | 4 * | C DC Z | W PC | fr lit | Compare, jump if equal ( ( W = lit - fr ) != 0 ? PC = addr ) | See: mov W, #lit; mov W, fr-w; snb 3.2; jmp addr | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,2; GOTO addr |
CJE fr1,fr2,addr | 4 * | C DC Z | W PC | fr1 fr2 | Compare, jump if equal ( ( W = fr1 - fr2 ) != 0 ? PC = addr ) | See: mov W, fr2; mov W, fr1-w; snb 3.2; jmp addr | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSC 3,2; GOTO addr |
CJNE fr,#lit,addr | 4 * | C DC Z | W PC | fr lit | Compare, jump if not equal ( ( W = lit - fr ) == 0 ? PC = addr ) | See: mov W, #lit; mov W, fr-w; sb 3.2; jmp addr | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,2; GOTO addr |
CJNE fr1,fr2,addr | 4 * | C DC Z | W PC | fr1 fr2 | Compare, jump if not equal ( ( W = fr1 - fr2 ) == 0 ? PC = addr ) | See: mov W, fr2; mov W, fr1-w; sb 3.2; jmp addr | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSS 3,2; GOTO addr |
CJA fr,#lit,addr | 4 * | C DC Z | W PC | fr lit | Compare, jump if above ( ( W = lit - fr ) >= 0 ? PC = addr ) | See: mov W, #/lit; add W, fr; snb 3.0; jmp addr | MOVLW /lit; ADDWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,0; GOTO addr |
CJA fr1,fr2,addr | 4 * | C DC Z | W PC | fr1 fr2 | Compare, jump if above ( ( W = fr1 - fr2 ) >= 0 ? PC = addr ) | See: mov W, fr1; mov W, fr2-w; sb 3.0; jmp addr | MOVF fr1,0; SUBWF fr2,0; BTFSS 3,0; GOTO addr |
CJAE fr,#lit,addr | 4 * | C DC Z | W PC | fr lit | Compare, jump if above or equal ( ( W = lit - fr ) > 0 ? PC = addr ) | See: mov W, #lit; mov W, fr-w; snb 3.0; jmp addr | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSC 3,0; GOTO addr |
CJAE fr1,fr2,addr | 4 * | C DC Z | W PC | fr1 fr2 | Compare, jump if above or equal ( ( W = fr1 - fr2 ) > 0 ? PC = addr ) | See: mov W, fr2; mov W, fr1-w; snb 3.0; jmp addr | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSC 3,0; GOTO addr |
CJB fr,#lit,addr | 4 * | C DC Z | W PC | fr lit | Compare, jump if below ( ( W = lit - fr ) <= 0 ? PC = addr ) | See: mov W, #lit; mov W, fr-w; sb 3.0; jmp addr | MOVLW lit; SUBWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,0; GOTO addr |
CJB fr1,fr2,addr | 4 * | C DC Z | W PC | fr1 fr2 | Compare, jump if below ( ( W = fr1 - fr2 ) <= 0 ? PC = addr ) | See: mov W, fr2; mov W, fr1-w; sb 3.0; jmp addr | MOVF fr2,0; SUBWF fr1,0; BTFSS 3,0; GOTO addr |
CJBE fr,#lit,addr | 4 * | C DC Z | W PC | fr lit | Compare, jump if below or equal ( ( W = lit - fr ) < 0 ? PC = addr ) | See: mov W, #/lit; add W, fr; sb 3.0; jmp addr | MOVLW /lit; ADDWF fr,0; BTFSS 3,0; GOTO addr |
CJBE fr1,fr2,addr | 4 * | C DC Z | W PC | fr1 fr2 | Compare, jump if below or equal ( ( W = fr1 - fr2 ) < 0 ? PC = addr ) | See: mov W, fr1; mov W, fr2-w; snb 3.0; jmp addr | MOVF fr1,0; SUBWF fr2,0; BTFSC 3,0; GOTO addr |
SB bit | 1 | - | PC | bit | Skip if bit ( ( fr & ( 1 << bit )) == 1 ? PC++ ) | Users Manual p120 | BTFSS bit |
SC | 1 | - | PC | C | Skip if carry ( C ) | See: sb 3.0 | BTFSS 3,0 |
SZ | 1 | - | PC | Z | Skip if zero ( Z ) | See: sb 3.2 | BTFSS 3,2 |
SNB bit | 1 | - | PC | bit | Skip if not bit ( ( fr & ( 1 << bit )) == 0 ? PC++ ) | Users Manual p123 | BTFSC bit |
SNC | 1 | - | PC | C | Skip if not carry ( C ) | See: snb 3.0 | BTFSC 3,0 |
SNZ | 1 | - | PC | Z | Skip if not zero ( Z ) | See: snb 3.2 | BTFSC 3,2 |
JB bit,addr | 2 * | - | PC | bit | Jump TO address if bit ( ( fr & ( 1 << bit )) == 1 ? PC = addr ) | See: snb bit; jmp addr | BTFSC bit; GOTO addr |
JC addr | 2 * | - | PC | C | Jump TO address if carry ( C ) | See: snb 3.0; jmp addr | BTFSC 3,0; GOTO addr |
JZ addr | 2 * | - | PC | Z | Jump TO address if zero ( Z ) | See: snb 3.2; jmp addr | BTFSC 3,2; GOTO addr |
JNB bit,addr | 2 * | - | PC | bit | Jump TO address if not bit ( ( fr & ( 1 << bit )) == 0 ? PC = addr ) | See: sb bit; jmp addr | BTFSS bit; GOTO addr |
JNC addr | 2 * | - | PC | C | Jump TO address if not carry ( C ) | See: sb 3.0; jmp addr | BTFSS 3,0; GOTO addr |
JNZ addr | 2 * | - | PC | Z | Jump TO address if not zero ( Z ) | See: sb 3.2; jmp addr | BTFSS 3,2; GOTO addr |
unconditional branches | |||||||
SKIP | 1 | - | PC | - | Skip next instruction word ( PC++ ) | See: sb 2.0 /snb 2.0 | BTFSC/BTFSS 2,0 |
JMP addr | 1 * | - | PC | - | Jump TO (9 bit) address ( PC = ( page << 9 ) + addr ) | Users Manual p88 | GOTO addr |
JMP PC+W | 1 | C DC Z | PC | W | Add W into PC(L), clear bit 8 ( PC = ( PC & 0xFEFF ) + W ) | See: add 2, W | ADDWF 2,1 |
JMP W | 1 | - | PC | W | Move W into PC(L), clear bit 8 ( PC = ( PC & 0xFE00 ) + W ) | See: mov 2, W | MOVWF 2 |
CALL addr | 1 * | - | PC | - | Call TO address, clear bit 8 ( STACK[SP++] = PC; PC = ( page << 9 ) + addr ) | Users Manual p76 | |
RETW lit,lit... | 1 | - | W PC | lit | Return from call, literal in W ( PC = STACK[SP--]; W = lit ) | Users Manual p117 | |
RET | 1 | - | PC | - | Return from call ( PC = STACK[SP--] ) | Users Manual p113 | |
RETP | 1 | PA0..2 | PC | - | Return from call, affect PA2 : PA0 ( PC = STACK[SP--]; page = PC >> 9 ) | Users Manual p116 | |
RETI | 1 | - | PC W FSR | - | Return from interrupt ( PC = STACK[SP--] ) | Users Manual p114 | |
RETIW lit | 1 | - | RTCC PC W FSR | lit | Return from interrupt, compensate RTCC ( PC = STACK[SP--]; RTCC += lit ) | Users Manual p115 | |
i/o and control operations | |||||||
PAGE addr | 1 | PA0..2 | - | - | Transfer addr .11:addr .9 into PA2 : PA0 , will delay skipping ( page = addr >> 9 ) | Users Manual p112 | |
BANK fr | 1 | - | FSR | - | Transfer fr .7:fr .5 into FSR .7:FSR .5 ( FSR = &( fr ) & 0xE0 ) | Users Manual p74 | |
MOV M,#lit | 1 | - | M | lit | Move literal into M ( M = lit ) | Users Manual p90 | |
MOV M,W | 1 | - | M | W | Move W into M ( M = W ) | Users Manual p91 | |
MOV M,fr | 2 | Z | W M | fr | Move fr into M ( M = W = fr ) | See: mov W, fr; mov M, W | |
MOV W,M | 1 | - | W | M | Move M into W ( W = M ) | Users Manual p104 | |
MOV fr,M | 2 | - | W fr | M | Move M into fr ( fr = W = M ) | See: mov W, M; mov fr, W | |
MOV !port,W | 1 | - | !PORT | W | Move W into port's TRIS ( !PORT = W ) | Users Manual p93 | TRIS port (port=5 to 7) |
MOV !port,#lit | 2 | - | W !PORT | lit | Move literal into port's TRIS ( !PORT = W = lit ) | See: mov W, #lit; mov !port,W | MOVLW lit; TRIS port (port=5 to 7) |
MOV !port,fr | 2 | Z | W !PORT | fr | Move fr into port's TRIS ( !PORT = W = fr ) | See: mov W, fr; mov !port,W | MOVF fr,0; TRIS port (port=5 to 7) |
MOV !OPTION,W | 1 | - | !OPTION | W | Move W into !OPTION ( !OPTION = W ) | Users Manual p92 | OPTION |
MOV !OPTION,#lit | 2 | - | W !OPTION | lit | Move literal into !OPTION ( !OPTION = W = lit ) | See: mov W, #lit; mov !OPTION, W | MOVLW lit; OPTION |
MOV !OPTION,fr | 2 | Z | W !OPTION | fr | Move fr into !OPTION ( !OPTION = W = fr ) | See: mov W, fr; mov !OPTION, W | MOVF fr,0; OPTION |
CLR !WDT | 1 | TO PD | - | - | Clear WDT and prescaler ( TO = PD = 0 ) | Users Manual p80 | CLRWDT |
SLEEP | 1 | TO PD | - | - | Clear WDT and enter sleep mode ( TO = PD = 0 ) | Users Manual p112 | SLEEP |
IREAD | 4 | - | M : W | M W | Read instruction at M : W into M : W ( M : W = PROGRAM[M<<8+W] ) | Users Manual p86 | |
NOP | 1 | - | - | - | No operation ( - - ) | Users Manual p107 | NOP |
There are *12* undocumented instructions! Four new push instructions that push W onto the W, FSR, STATUS, and PC shadow registers, which are actually 2-level stacks; There appears to be a secret FIFO for saving and restoring values and a breakpoint register or two. L A B E L S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Label Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- labelname global label :labelname local label O P E R A T O R S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expression Operator Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- || Absolute Unaries + (no effect) - Negate ~ Not & And Binaries | Or ^ Xor + Add - Subtract * Multiply / Divide // Mod << Shift left >> Shift right (arithmetic) >< Reverse bits . Bit Address =< Below or equal Conditionals => Above or equal = Equal <> Not equal < Below > Above ( Begin sub expression ) End sub expression # Literal (default radix is decimal) $ Hexadecimal (#$ prefixes a hexidecimal literal) % Binary (#% prefixes a binary literal) D I R E C T I V E S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Directive Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEVICE setting,setting... Establish device settings (should precede other directives/instructions) ID wordvalue Establish device ID RESET address Assemble 'jmp address' at last location for reset label EQU value Equate label to value ORG address Set origin to address DS locations Define space: origin=origin+locations DW data,data,... Define word(s) MACRO WATCH Variable{.Bit}, Count, Format allows File Register Variables to be "WATCH"ed when debugging. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pre-Defined Symbols ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******** DEVICE Directive Symbols Set bits in the FUSE register - used to establish device parameters - multiple DEVICE statements allowed to accomodate parameters Example: DEVICE SX28L, OSCIN, BOR42 DEVICE TURBO, STACKX_OPTIONX, CARRYX, PROTECT SX18 SX18 native mode (default: SX18) SX18L Same as SX18 SX28 SX28 native mode SX28L Same as SX28 SX48 SX48 mode SX52 SX52 mode OSCHS3 External crystal/resonator - high-speed level 3 (default: OSCHS3) OSCHS2 External crystal/resonator - high-speed level 2 OSCHS1 External crystal/resonator - high-speed level 1 OSCXT2 External crystal/resonator - standard level 2 OSCXT1 External crystal/resonator - standard level 1 OSCLP2 External crystal/resonator - low-power level 2 OSCLP1 External crystal/resonator - low-power level 1 OSCRC External RC network OSC4MHZ Internal 4MHz oscillator OSC1MHZ Internal 1MHz oscillator OSC128KHZ Internal 128KHz oscillator OSC32KHZ Internal 32KHz oscillator DRIVEOFF (48/52 only) OSC2 output drive off (use for clock/osc packs) (default: on) FEEDBACKOFF OSC feedback resistor off (for clock/osc packs) (default: on) XTLBUFD (48/52 only) Same as DRIVEOFF IFBD Same as FEEDBACKOFF BOR42 Brownout reset at VDD < 4.2V (default: Brownout off) BOR26 Brownout reset at VDD < 2.6V BOR22 Brownout reset at VDD < 2.2V TURBO Turbo mode enabled (1:1 execution) (default: 1:4 execution) STACKX_OPTIONX Stack is 8 levels, OPTION is 8 bits (default: Stack is 2 levels, OPTION is 6 bits) CARRYX ADD/SUB uses carry flag (default: ADD/SUB ignores Carry flag) SYNC Input Syncing enabled - 2-clock delay on inputs (default: Input Syncing disabled) SLEEPCLOCK (48/52 only) Enables clock operation during sleep (fast startup) (default: Clock is disabled during sleep) WATCHDOG Watchdog Timer enabled (default: Watchdog Timer disabled) PROTECT Code Protect enabled (default: Code Protect disabled) DRT18MS (48/52 only) Reset timer (18 ms start-up delay after reset) (default: 18 ms) DRT960MS (48/52 only) Reset timer (960 ms start-up delay after reset) DRT60MS (48/52 only) Reset timer (60 ms start-up delay after reset) DRT60US (48/52 only) Reset timer (60 us start-up delay after reset) ******** Dynamic Equates (always reflect current values) % = Current REPT index (=0 if outside of a REPT block) $ = Current origin ******** Register/Bit Equates IND = $00 Indirect addressing register RTCC = $01 RTCC register WREG = $01 W register PC = $02 Program counter low-byte register STATUS = $03 Status register C = STATUS.0 Carry bit DC = STATUS.1 Digit carry bit Z = STATUS.2 Zero bit PD = STATUS.3 Power-down bit TO = STATUS.4 Time-out bit PA0 = STATUS.5 Page preselect bit 0 PA1 = STATUS.6 Page preselect bit 1 PA2 = STATUS.7 Page preselect bit 2 FSR = $04 File select register RA = $05 RA i/o register RB = $06 RB i/o register RC = $07 RC i/o register RD = $08 RD i/o register (48/52 only) RE = $09 RE i/o register (48/52 only) ******** The Equates Below Are For Write Access Only ********* ******** On the SX48/52, add $10 to the Equate for read access ******* TIMER_CAPTURE_LOW = $00 Low Timer Capture register (48/52 only) TIMER_CAPTURE_HIGH = $01 High Timer Capture register (48/52 only) TIMER_COMPARE2_LOW = $02 Low Timer Compare register 2 (48/52 only) TIMER_COMPARE2_HIGH = $03 High Timer Compare register 2 (48/52 only) TIMER_COMPARE1_LOW = $04 Low Timer Compare register 1 (48/52 only) TIMER_COMPARE1_HIGH = $05 High Timer Compare register 1 (48/52 only) TIMER_CONTROL_B = $06 Timer Control register B (48/52 only) TIMER_CONTROL_A = $07 Timer Control register A (48/52 only) CMP -or- COMPARATOR = $08 Comparator register WKPEN -or- WAKE_PENDING = $09 Wake-up Pending register WKED -or- WAKE_EDGE = $0A Wake-up Edge register WKEN -or- WAKE_ENABLE = $0B Wake-up Enable register ST -or- SCHMITT = $0C Schmitt-Trigger register LVL -or- LEVEL = $0D Logic Level register PLP -or- PULL_UP = $0E Pull-up resister register TRIS -or- DIRECTION = $0F Tristate (direction) register ******** Backward-Compatibility Symbols for Parallax PIC16Cxx Assembler (SPASM.EXE) DEVICE Directive Symbols PIC16C54 PIC16C54 emulation using SX18L (default: SX18L) PIC16C55 PIC16C55 emulation using SX28L PIC16C56 PIC16C56 emulation using SX18L PIC16C57 PIC16C57 emulation using SX28L PIC16C58 PIC16C58 emulation using SX18L HS_OSC OSCHS3 (default: HS_OSC) XT_OSC OSCXT2 LP_OSC OSCLP1 RC_OSC OSCRC WDT_OFF (no equivalent) (default: WDT_OFF) WDT_ON WATCHDOG PROTECT_OFF (no equivalent) (default: PROTECT_OFF) PROTECT_ON PROTECT Register Equates INDIRECT = $00 Indirect addressing register INDF = $00 TMR0 = $01 RTCC register PCL = $02 Program counter low-byte register PORT_A = $05 RA i/o register PORT_B = $06 RB i/o register PORT_C = $07 RC i/o register ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hex Format: Low-byte/high-byte (8-bit) format used - byte counts and addresses are doubled. $0000-$0FFF = CODE words $1000-$100F = ID words (nibble-per-word used to make 8 characters) $1010 = FUSE word $1011 = FUSEX word
Use these macros to program the SX with a '68HC11 like' instruction set
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