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Motor Peripheral Input/Output

Types of motors:



Motors from:

Hey, don't power the motor from the regulated supply that is running your processor... use the unregulated DC and connect the controller to the motor via a semiconductor like a transistor, mosfet, etc...

Start Simple

Lance Allen says

[Ed: Rather than relays or H-Bridges or PIDs in many cases you can drive a moter with a..] N channel LOGIC LEVEL mosfet such as RFD14N05L or even up to BUZ101L ( good for 29 amps). They are cheaper than a relay [ed: or anything else] and dont need another drive transistor.

The Mosfet connects the gate directly to the [uProcessor or control curcuit], the source to 0 volts and the drain to the motor -ve, motor +ve goes to +5volts. You will need a reverse biased diode across the motor for back EMF suppression, such as 1N4004

EMF detection

When the motor stops rotating it'll stop making back EMF and the voltage across it will drop. You can use an op amp as a comparator.

Rewinding motors for higher RPM: fewer winding turns of larger diameter wire = more current = higher RPM

See also:


Phil Says:

an addition to -->'motor control chips'
LM628 and LM629 high precision motion control IC's. Apt for control by a uC. expensive, ~$30.

for h-bridges
LM18201 National Semiconductor single package, 3A 55V h-bridge. ~$8.

See also:


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<A HREF=""> gear motor, stepper motor, DC motor, Brushless motor, Motor Driver, H-Bridge, PWM, PID</A>

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