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Scenix Spis.src

;	SPIS (Authentic SPI Slave) Virtual Peripheral Demo Program
;	Revision 1.02, 07.21.98
;	Developed by Authentic Engineering for Scenix Semiconductor, Inc.
;	Authentic Engineering // //
;	Authentic SPIS (SPI Slave) Virtual Peripheral
;	SPIS is a part of the Authetic SPI virtual peripherals for SX micro.
;	This VP provides simple and efficient way to send/get one word of 
;	data to/from SPI compatible MASTER device.
;	SPIS is developed to work with relatively fast SPI devices. It 
;	occupies the CPU during the entire data transfer. 
;	Maximum clock rate is 1.1 MHz (900 nsec clock period). The clock 
;	rate may vary during data transfer cycle. The minimum clock rate 
;	is limited by the watchdog timer if it's enabled; or is unlimited 
;	otherwise. 
;	Word length can be set to anywhere from 1 to 16 bits. Longer word 
;	lengths could be easily implemented if needed.
;	Clock polarity is configurable by using the appropriate command byte.
;	Four I/O signal lines are associated with any SPI communication:
;		Master-Out-Slave-In		MOSI signal line
;		Master-In-Slave_Out		MISO signal line
;		Serial Clock			SCLK signal line
;		Slave Select			SS signal line
;	SPIS does not make any diffenece between read and write cycles.
;	The data is clocked in and out simultaneously. 
;	If necessary, user may want to add more sophistication to the data 
;	transfer by adding Read/Write and handshaking signals. All that 
;	can be easily implemented without affecting the core SPIS program. 
;	SPIS makes use of the Wake-UP interrupt from the SS signal, 
;	for this reason the SS signal must be assigned to one of the 
;	Port B pins. Other signals may use any pins of SX-28. 
;	To initialize the SPIS user must disable the RTCC interrupt and 
;	enable the appropriate edge wakeup interrupt from the SS pin.
;	SPIS will then wait for the the interrupt from the SS input. 
;	When the interrupt occures, SPIS will start execution of the 
;	send/receive loop, waiting for SPI Clock signals and processing
;	the incoming and outgoing data lines. After the predefined number 
;	of clock pulses SPIS will finish the communication cycle and 
;	exit the interrupt. In order to prevent locking of the driver 
;	in case of communication error, SPIS uses it's internal 
;	SPIS_WATCHDOG counter, which would expire if SPIS has not 
;	received the clock pulse for too long and the data transfer 
;	will be aborted.
;	The two-byte (16 bits) send/receive buffer is allocated in 
;	memory as SPIS_LSB and SPIS_MSB. Data are shifted starting 
;	from the most significant bit. 
;	In case of less than 16-bit long data word, the SPIS will 
;	automatically align the MSBit of the word to the MSBit of 
;	the buffer before shifting. No user intervention is required. 
;	The contents of SPIS_LSB and SPIS_MSB are not preserved 
;	during the driver operation since the bits are always shifted in.
;	-- SPIS control, status and I/O DATA registers --
;	SPIS_WATCHDOG. This byte defines the timeout period for 
;	the SPI slave (see above). If SPIS will not receive the clock signal
;	within this waiting period, the communication will be aborted and the 
;	error flag will be set. The actual timeout can be calculated as 
;	160 nsec multiplied by SPIS_WATCHDOG.
;	bytes are the images of SX I/O ports direction registers.
;	They are written to corresponding ports direction registers
;	during SPIS initialisation. 
;	SPIS_WKUP_MASK - SPIS writes SPIS_WKUP_MASK into Wakeup Enable 
;	register of PortB 
;	SPIS_CMD - command and configuration byte. This byte defines:
;			- SPI Clock polarity
;			- direction (Read/Write)
;			- number of bits to send/receive
;	SPIS supports 4 commands, specified by the 4 MSBits of the 
;	SPIS_CMD byte:
;		$1	- GET BYTE in SLAVE mode, define FALLING edge
;		$5	- GET BYTE in SLAVE mode, define RISING edge
;		$9	- SEND BYTE in SLAVE mode, define FALLING edge
;		$D	- SEND BYTE in SLAVE mode, define RISING edge
;	Practically there is no difference between the GET and SEND commands. 
;	When the I/O buffer is shifted out, the input data is always 
;	shifted in. The different commands are provided for user convinience 
;	and confusion. The contents of SPIS_LSB and SPIS_MSB are 
;	not preserved during the driver operation since the bits are 
;	always shifted in even if they don't make any sense.
;	Four LSBits of the command byte define the word length. 
;	$00 sets the length to 16 bits
;	$01 sets the length to 1 bit 
;	 ...
;	$0F sets the length to 15 bits
;	The SPIS_CMD byte also serves as a ready flag. SPIS will clear this 
;	byte upon the success of data transfer.
;	SPIS_STATUS byte provides the error status information to the user
;	program. It has 2 error flags:
;	 bit 4 - set to 1 when the SPIS_CMD byte contains an unsupported command 
;        bit 7 - set to 1 when the data transfer was not completed successfully
;	SPIS_INIT - Initialization subroutine.It provides appropriate configuration
;	for SX I/O ports.
;	SPIS_EXECUTE - This is the actual VP entry point which is normally 
;	called from the interrupt service routine.
;	SPIS_ORG. This is the base address of SPIM VP. Typically it will be
;	next ROM location, after the user program.  
;	-- How to use SPIS from the user program --
;	1. Verify that the execution parameters are configured properly:
;	2. Call SPIS_INIT
;	2. Verify that SPIS is ready for execution by testing the SPIS_CMD byte.
;	4. Place the outgoing data into SPIS_LSB and SPIS_MSB 
;	5. Disable the RTCC interrupt and enable the SS interrupt from Port B.
;	6. Call SPIS_EXECUTE from the interrupt.
;	7. Test SPIS_CMD for completion and SPIS_STATUS for errors. 
;          Unload the data from SPIS_LSB and SPIS_MSB
;	Your SPIS is now ready for reuse. Repeat from step 4.

;**************************** CODE START *******************************
;;recommended SX device configuration
;			device	pins28, pages4, banks8,oschs
;			device	turbo, stackx, optionx 
;			id	'SPIS_D3'
;reset			reset_entry
;***************************** I/O PINS ********************************
;;example of SX I/O pins assingment
;spis_clk_pin		=	rb.0	;SPI clock line
;spis_out_pin		=	rb.1	;master_in slave_out line
;spis_in_pin		=	rb.2	;master_out slave_in line 
;spis_MCU_cs_pin		=	rb.3	;slave select/slave request micro

;************************** Authentic SPI SLAVE VP *********************

			org	10h
spis_ram_bank		=	$

;SPIS control data

spis_cmd		ds	1		;SPIS command byte

fast_ON			equ	spis_cmd.4	;always set to 1 for SPIS
master_ON		equ	spis_cmd.5	;set to 1 if MASTER
rising_ON		equ	spis_cmd.6	;set to 1 if RISING
transmit_ON		equ	spis_cmd.7	;set to 1 if TRANSMIT

spis_watchdog		ds	1		;clock receive timeout
spis_port_b_mask	ds	1		;PortA direction register image
spis_port_a_mask	ds	1		;PortB direction register image
spis_port_c_mask	ds	1		;PortC direction register image
spis_wkup_mask		ds	1		;

;SPIS status data

spis_status		ds	1		;SPIS status byte

spis_cmd_error		equ	spis_status.4	;error - unsupported command 
spis_transfer_error	equ	spis_status.7	;error - transfer aborted

;SPIS I/O buffer

spis_msb		ds	1 		;I/O buffer MSByte
spis_lsb		ds	1		;I/O buffer LSByte

;SPIS private data

spis_bits_total		ds	1            	;number of bits to transfer
spis_shift_counter	ds	1		;bit shift counter
spis_shifts_init	ds	1		;number or alignment shifts for the buffer
spis_watch_counter	ds	1               ;watchdog counter

			org	spis_org

;********************* SPIS INITIALIZATION ROUTINE *********************

spis_init		mov	m,#$0f			;set up data direction registers
			mov	!rb,spis_port_b_mask	;configure ports
			mov	!ra,spis_port_a_mask
			mov	!rc,spis_port_c_mask

;configure the wakeup interrupt
			mov	m,#$0a			;set WKUP interrupt to FALLING edge
			mov	w,spis_wkup_mask
			not	w
			mov	!rb,w
			mov	m,#$0b			;enable interrupt
			mov	!rb,spis_wkup_mask

			mov	m,#$0f
;************************* SPIS DATA TRANSFER **************************

spis_execute		bank	spis_ram_bank			;set SPIS RAM bank

			mov	m,#$09				;clear pending interrupts
			clr	w					
			mov	!rb,w	
			sb	master_ON			;decode SPIS_CMD	
			jb	fast_ON,spis_cmd_proc

			setb	spis_cmd_error       		;set command error flag and exit
spis_exit		clr	spis_cmd			;clear SPIS_CMD and exit 

			mov	w,spis_cmd			;decode number of bits to transfer
			and	w,#$0f
			mov	spis_bits_total,w			
			test	spis_bits_total
			mov	spis_bits_total,#$10
			mov	spis_shift_counter,spis_bits_total
			mov	spis_shifts_init,#$10           ;decode number of bits to transfer
			sub	spis_shifts_init,spis_bits_total	
			test	spis_shifts_init
			jz	:spis				;no initial shifts required

:set_bit_position						;align the word
			rl	spis_lsb
			rl	spis_msb
			djnz	spis_shifts_init,:set_bit_position
			test	spis_shift_counter		;data transfer loop
			jz	:spis_execute_exit

			jb	rising_ON,:slave_rising		;jmp to rizing edge clock detection

:slave_falling          	  		            	;falling edge active transfer
			mov	spis_watch_counter,spis_watchdog
			jb	spis_clk_pin,:shift_bit_out_on_fall
			djnz	spis_watch_counter,:falling_send
			jmp	:spis_error_exit		;exit when watchdog is zero

:shift_bit_out_on_fall						;shift bit out	
			movb	spis_out_pin,spis_msb.7
			rl	spis_lsb
			rl	spis_msb

			mov	spis_watch_counter,spis_watchdog
:falling_get							;wait for falling edge to shift bit in
			jnb	spis_clk_pin,:shift_bit_in_on_fall
			djnz	spis_watch_counter,:falling_get
			jmp	:spis_error_exit		;exit when watchdog is zero

			movb	spis_lsb,spis_in_pin          	;shift bit in

			dec	spis_shift_counter
			jmp	:spis				;next clock pulse

:slave_rising							;rising edge active data transfer
			mov	spis_watch_counter,spis_watchdog		
:rising_send							;wait for falling edge to shift bit out
			jnb	spis_clk_pin,:shift_bit_out_on_rise
			djnz	spis_watch_counter,:rising_send			
			jmp	:spis_error_exit		;exit when watchdog is zero

			movb	spis_out_pin,spis_msb.7		;shift bit out
			rl	spis_lsb
			rl	spis_msb

			mov	spis_watch_counter,spis_watchdog
:rising_get							;wait for rising edge to shift bit in
			jb	spis_clk_pin,:shift_bit_in_on_rise
			djnz	spis_watch_counter,:rising_get
			jmp	:spis_error_exit		;exit when watchdog is zero

			movb	spis_lsb,spis_in_pin		;shift bit in
			dec	spis_shift_counter
			jmp	:spis				;next clock pulse

			setb	spis_transfer_error		;exit on transfer error
			mov	w,#$01				;error code is set 
			jmp	spis_exit			;normal exit

;***************************** END OF SPIS VP **************************

file: /Techref/scenix/spis.src, 11KB, , updated: 1999/2/20 13:23, local time: 2024/10/6 00:27,

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