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Scenix Contest Wthsta Schem.txt

Weather Station Schematic
        |   SX  Board    |                                 (Momentary Switches)        O +5v
        |                |             Wind Speed Sensor           _|_                 |                  
        |            D0  | --------------------------------+------o   o-----------------------------------+
        |                |                                 +--------------| (----------+                  | 
        |                |         Wind Dir North Sensor           _|_     .01u        |                  | 
        |            D1  | --------------------------------+------o   o-----------------------------------+
        |                |                                 +--------------| (----------+                  | 
        |                |         Wind Dir East Sensor            _|_     .01u        |                  | 
        |            D2  | --------------------------------+------o   o-----------------------------------+
        |                |                                 +--------------| (----------+                  | 
        |                |         Wind Dir South Sensor           _|_     .01u        |                  | 
        |            D3  | --------------------------------+------o   o-----------------------------------+
        |                |                                 +--------------| (----------+                  | 
        |                |         Wind Dir West Sensor            _|_     .01u        |                  | 
        |            D4  | --------------------------------+------o   o-----------------------------------+
        |                |                                 +--------------| (----------+                  | 
        |                |                                                 .01u                           | 
        |            D5  | --                                                                             |
        |                |                                                                                | 
        |            D6  | --                                                                             |
        |                |                                                                                | 
        |            D7  | --                                                                             |
        |                |                   +5v  O                                                       |
        |                |                        |                    -------------|                     | 
        |                |                        +-----------------O-------------- |       Rain          |
        |                |                10k                                       |      Sensor         |
        |            E0  | -----------+--/\/\/\------+--------------O-------------- |                     | 
        |                |            |              |                 -------------|                     | 
        |                |            |              <  100k                                              | 
        |                |    10k     |    0.01u     >                                                    | 
        |            E1  | --/\/\/\---+----| (-------+----------------------------------------------------+
        |                |                                                                                | 
        |                |                                  +5v O          _____                          |
        |                |                                      |     ----| 6   |                         | 
        |                |                                      |     ----| 5   |     MPX4115             | 
        |                |                                      |     ----| 4   |     (Pressure           | 
        |                |                                      |  O------| 3   |       Sensor)           | 
        |                |                10k              1k   +--O------| 2   |                         |
        |            E2  | -----------+--/\/\/\------+---/\/\/\----O------|_1___|                         | 
        |                |            |              <             |                                      | 
        |                |    10k     |    0.1u      >  4.7k       |                                      | 
        |            E3  | --/\/\/\---+----| (-------+-------------+--------------------------------------+
        |                |                                                                                | 
        |                |                                     +5v  O                                     |
        |                |                                          |       ______                        | 
        |                |                10k              1k       O------| 3    |     HIH3610           |
        |            E4  | -----------+--/\/\/\------+---/\/\/\-----O------| 2    |    (Humidity          |
        |                |            |              |              O------|_1____|     Sensor)           | 
        |                |            |              <  4.7k        |                                     | 
        |                |    10k     |    0.1u      >              |                                     | 
        |            E5  | --/\/\/\---+----| (-------+--------------+-------------------------------------+
        |                |                                                                                | 
        |            E6  | ---   ---   ---   +                                                            |
        |                |                   /  <  \     (already installed                               |
        |                |                   \  >  /        Thermistor)                                   |
        |            E7  | ---   ---   ---   +                                                            |
        |                |                                                                                | 
        |           Gnd  | -----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+
        |________________|                                    |

file: /Techref/scenix/contest/wthsta/Schem.txt, 6KB, , updated: 2002/5/1 18:37, local time: 2024/8/31 23:52,

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