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Support the PICList

The PICList shop now offers mugs, steins and...

Proceeds donated to (which hosts the PICList) and (to support the web site). We gratefully acknowledge all the list members who tirelessly answer questions and develop code and circuits for PIC users and Microchip Technologies Inc. for making the PIC Microcontroller.

The PICList mailing list is hosted by MIT and we GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE the huge bandwidth and server load they sholder for us. If you want this list to continue, please consider contributing to MIT... Every little bit helps them educate the worlds finest minds and justify the expense of running the PICList mailing list.

MIT Alumni Fund
Room W92-280
Mass. Inst. of Tech.
77 Mass. Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

If you have gotten good use out of the PIClist over the years, I'd like to encourage you to show your support by saying thank you or by sending a few dollars to people who have made the list what it is and who do so without any financial reward. At the very least, please click on their names and post a message of thanks on their home pages at (using the form at the bottom of each page). If you are willing to "put your money where your mouth is", you can click on the following links to complete a quick, easy, and secure payment by credit card or bank transfer. This money (less the small paypal processing fee) will be paid into the persons account if they have one or into James Newton's account and transferred to the intended individual on a regular basis. If you have other people you would like to nominate for this list, please let us know.

The following people have taken the time to become page editors at and regularly update those pages to keep them current and informative:

The following people have made donations to the piclist

2001: A Raid array and additional RAM was added to the server. Nik's $470 was retained for the next year and applied to the new server.

2002: Total of about $800 donated and a new server was purchased and installed for the site.

2003: Total of about $300 donated

2004: Total of $645.55 donated.

2005 and on: see below:



file: /Techref/piclist/support.htm, 12KB, , updated: 2022/2/15 11:37, local time: 2024/9/17 10:12, owner: JMN-EFP-786,

 ©2024 These pages are served without commercial sponsorship. (No popup ads, etc...).Bandwidth abuse increases hosting cost forcing sponsorship or shutdown. This server aggressively defends against automated copying for any reason including offline viewing, duplication, etc... Please respect this requirement and DO NOT RIP THIS SITE. Questions?
Please DO link to this page! Digg it! / MAKE!

<A HREF=""> Support your local PICList</A>

After you find an appropriate page, you are invited to your to this massmind site! (posts will be visible only to you before review) Just type a nice message (short messages are blocked as spam) in the box and press the Post button. (HTML welcomed, but not the <A tag: Instead, use the link box to link to another page. A tutorial is available Members can login to post directly, become page editors, and be credited for their posts.

Link? Put it here: 
if you want a response, please enter your email address: 
Attn spammers: All posts are reviewed before being made visible to anyone other than the poster.
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