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Tilapia Topic: Disease Treatment:

Oxytetracycline (OTC)

otc may be legally used only if there is a current Investigational New Animal Drug Application (INADA) in effect for treatment of the particular disease at the particular site. It is the responsibility of the user to know if an INADA is in effect for otc for use with tilapia on his or her site. The user must be familiar with and to comply with the conditions for an INADA for otc.

Forms and active levels of oxytetracycline (OTC).

  1. Oxytetracycline comes in both powder or liquid form and in a variety of formulations.
  2. Oxytetracycline powder - The percent activity of oxytetracycline powder varies with the product form. The level of active oxytetracycline must be known before a dosage for a given volume can be determined. Information concerning the active level of oxytetracycline will be on the container label. The user must input this information into the program in order for dosages to be calculated.
  3. OTC as a liquid - Determination of % active drug per unit of volume (mls) is required (see above).

Application of OTC in the water as a bath treatment.

  1. Only use as a bath treatment in tanks. Dosage level may range from 15 to 100 mg/L and treatment duration from 1 to 24 hours. General guidelines for dosage/duration are as follows:
    15 to 25 mg/L -- 12 to 24 hr duration
    50 to 100 mg/L -- 1 to 2 hr duration

    In either case continue daily treatment for 10 to 14 days.

  2. When treating with OTC excessive algae and particulates should be flushed out of the tank during the treatment schedule.

Use OTC as medicated feed treatment:

Warning: Adding medication to feed is not legal for fish intended for human consumption.

The dosage of a medication added to fish feed can be calculated in two ways. In the first case, the dosage is based on a) the total weight of fish to be treated and b) the weight of feed needed for the prescribed treatment period. The other approach is based on providing a certain amount of active drug per unit weight of the feed. Dosage rate, active factors, and duration time are necessary for correct calculation.

The system will determine the quantity of active drug to be mixed with a desired amount of feed. Then the measured amount of the formulation will need to be mixed with a suitable carrier that will coat and adhere to the feed pellets. Gelatin or cooking oil can be used as a drug carrier for coating feed pellets.

Oxytetracycline Medicated Feed:

Rangen, Inc.
115 - 13th Ave. St.
Buhl, ID 83316
Ph:(208) 543-6421, (800) 321-0886
Fax: (208) 543-8037

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