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Finding that a font can have Two names can be a problem, but you can change the name to correspond and eliminate the confusion.

If the Center is separate from the outline, You can try moving the whole glyph by Right Clicking your mouse and draging the glyph to the spot you want it in. If this works, fine else, you will have to move the glyph in two parts an Inner part, and an Outerpart.

This replacement worked out fine. As you can see, I needed some form of graph with which to judge height, Anything less and I could not have gotten it right. It came out ideal and it's height was equal to other glyphs in the font. Once it was scanned, you only had to select the glyph you want to replace, highlight it and right click the mouse, answer yes to the question " Replace current glyph"

This is the proper placment for glyphs that extend below the baseline. Here is a Before and After of the glyph letter "g". This is a scan of a glyph from an already existing font.

I have found that, the Space Character (ASCII Character 032) Need not be an empty spot. You can install a glyph (similar to the one on the left) into this slot, but then, this glyph will appear whenever a space is supposed to appear. In the creation of glyphs, If used, It could be used to replace empty slots and appear where ever you have no glyph available

There is a scan sensitivity feature built in. It is located on the TTF window menu, located under OPTIONS, Template . I have made a chart plotting the effect that it had on a glyph at various settings, This is the results. As you can see, the setting of 1.0 seems to be the best setting but you might require adjustments to your glyph and this is where you can expect to find the feature. This is meant only as a guide for you to gage the effects of changing the settings..

On the TTF Window Menu, You will find Display, Under the Display Label there, you will find Zoom In and Zoom Out, If you checked out the Beginning Basics tutorial, you will remember the glyph that is displayed above. Next to it, you can see a magnification of the area in the red box so you should be able to make the finest adjustments you wish to your glyphs.

One last thing, Don't try to create shading by dithering your color, It will cause Softy to shutdown since it would have insufficient capacity to trace and track so many points, As you can see with the graphic on the left.


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