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I was asked for help to find out why certain glyphs did not show up when they were used in a word processor. Now, I had been asked before about this, In fact, the glyph that was not showing up was the same one, the apostrophe, but, with this font, the quotation mark was also not showing up. After getting a copy of the font, I started to look over the font before I touched any of the glyphs. The first part of this piece will be the different things that I noticed about the font and it's structure.

I first opened the font in Fontview and right away, I noticed that there was little to no spacing between the glyphs.

I then opened the font in Softy and started to check the information on the font that was entered upon the creation. I notice that the Metrics was set very low, In fact, I found glyphs that had larger em's than this. I think the 547 was the Average width of the glyphs in this set.

I continued looking into the font to see if there was anything else that might be a source of trouble. I noticed that the first space the blank (ASCII 32) was set to a width of 500, since this is used, Every blank space is an ASCII 32 character, so this seemed to be under sized to me. (Remember, every glyph can use a width of 2048, I myself, have reduced the ASCII 32 to a width of 1000 but never to 500). Sometimes this makes for a funny looking font (width of 2048) , so you under space the glyphs, but then, you run the risk of going the other way and not leaving enough room for the glyph, Which is what I was now beginning to think was wrong with this font, But, I was not finished looking around yet.

The following graphics show what I found through out the font. The glyphs were spaced to the absolute minimun, and there was residual residue from the scan left in the font. Now, I was told that this was their first attempt at making a font, and a nice one at that. When I was trying to make dingbats for my own use, I went through much of the same thing (In my case, I think patience had a lot to do with it), So I guess what I am trying to say is, You can never be to careful while you are trying to make fonts.

You know, you can make the window where the glyphs are displayed larger, just put your mouse on the divider and when it turns to the double arrow you can click and drag it to a larger size, this would allow you to see the small pieces of residue. Now, I will tell you, you can get rid of this residue. Here is how.


file: /Techref/member/softy-font/grumpy/findings2.htm, 4KB, , updated: 2003/6/4 13:04, local time: 2024/6/16 18:18,

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