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I had been contacted and asked if I could help this person who was having trouble creating special glyphs for his need. Below, is what I had found out about the glyphs in question. I post this in the hopes that it will foster a beter understanding of what can go wrong. I provide a "Most commonly used" ASCII Chart and a full 255 character chart listing Here. They are just graphics, but they print out well.

Having received his font file, I went right to work to see if I could find out what was wrong. Well, for one thing that I can see is that he mapped his glyphs to the ASCII format instead of the Symbol format. This will make a significant difference in how programs see his font. Also, the numbers that are displayed here are unknown to me. you should not map to the lower numbers since these are used by the system. It might be the cause of his GDF's (he did say he had them).


I went in and
  • (1)-did some small adjustments to the glyphs
  • (2)-Centered them again
  • (3)-Updated them again, then, instead of just replacing the old glyph, I re-mapped them to the Capital letters A,B,C, and D 
    Since you can see them in this graphic, You must know that they opened in Paint Shop Pro fine for me to use.

I then opened my word processor and type them in using the Capital letters A,B,C,D. As you can see from the graphic, they all displayed as they should

I then opened the TTF in Fontview to see what I could. You can now see the four glyps in Fontview in the respective places for the capital ABC and D and the other one displayed is the exclamation mark. None of the others can or will display, there is no place in the font format for those numbers.
Like I said, the lower numbers below ASCII 33 is used by the system for maintenance or whatever the system need them for. Any glyph mapped to these numbers is sure to give you trouble, with the system.

These last two graphics are just to help you understand the differences between a SYMBOL and ASCII font. Mapped in this manner, helps the program to *see* the glyph and to handle it as it is supposed to do. Mixing the two together, can confuse the program and it will do unexpected things (like freeze-up, etc).


file: /Techref/member/softy-font/grumpy/findings1.htm, 4KB, , updated: 2003/6/4 13:01, local time: 2024/9/17 09:16,

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