This file is part of SimpleRTOS2
/*============================================================================*/ /* SimpleRTOS - Very simple RTOS for Microcontrollers - PIC24/dsPIC port v2.00 (2014-01-21) */ /*============================================================================*/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014, Isaac Marino Bavaresco All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /*============================================================================*/ #if defined __XC16__ /*============================================================================*/ #include <string.h> #include "PortPIC24dsPIC.h" #include "SimpleRTOSInternals.h" /*============================================================================*/ void TickHook( void ); /*============================================================================*/ static void Switch( void ) { IFS0bits.T1IF = 0; /* clear the interrupt flag */ SystemTick++; CheckDelayList(); /* The current task ran for at least one full time slice... */ if( AlreadySwitched == 0 && CurrentTask->Priority == HighestReadyPriority ) /* ... it doesn't deserve an additional time slice. */ ReadyTasks[HighestReadyPriority] = ReadyTasks[HighestReadyPriority]->Next; CurrentTask = ReadyTasks[HighestReadyPriority]; /* The upcoming task will run from the very beginning of its time slice, at the end of this slice it will be switched off. */ AlreadySwitched = 0; TickHook(); } /*============================================================================*/ void ContextInit( context_t *Context, unsigned char *Stack, unsigned long StackSize, void *Parameter, void (*TaskFunc)( void* ), unsigned int Priority ) { unsigned long FuncAddress; memset( Context, 0x00, sizeof( context_t )); FuncAddress = (unsigned short)TaskFunc; Context->W0 = (unsigned short)Parameter; Context->W15 = (unsigned short)Stack; Context->SR = 0x0000; /* The IPL bits must be zero for the interrupts to be enabled when the task starts. */ Context->SR_IPL3_PC = (( 0 /*SR*/ << 8 ) & 0xff00 ) | (( CORCON << 4 ) & 0x0080 ) | (( FuncAddress >> 16 ) & 0x007f ); /* The SFA bit must be zero on function entry because a call instrustion always clears it. */ Context->PC_SFA = ( FuncAddress & 0xfffe ) | (( 0 /*CORCON*/ >> 2 ) & 0x0001 ); Context->SPLIM = (unsigned short)Stack + StackSize - 2; Context->TBLPAG = TBLPAG; /* The RCOUNT register must be zero on function entry. */ Context->RCOUNT = 0; Context->CORCON = CORCON; #if defined __PIC24H__ || defined __PIC24F__ || defined __PIC24FK__ Context->PSVPAG = PSVPAG; #elif defined __PIC24E__ Context->DSRPAG = DSRPAG; Context->DSWPAG = DSWPAG; #endif /* defined __PIC24H__ || defined __PIC24F__ || defined __PIC24FK__ */ Context->Priority = Priority; Context->TDelay = 0; Context->PreviousDelayedTask = 0; Context->NextDelayedTask = 0; Context->DelayList = 0; #ifdef USE_SLICE_LENGTH Context->SliceLength = 0; #endif /* USE_SLICE_LENGTH */ Context->Previous = 0; Context->Next = 0; Context->List = 0; } /*============================================================================*/ void InitRTOS( context_t *ctxts, int Number ) { unsigned int i; /* No contexts to be initialized... The RTOS is useless.*/ if( ctxts == NULL || Number == 0 ) { FreeContexts = NULL; return; } CurrentTask = ctxts; for( i = 0; i < MAX_PRIORITIES; i++ ) ReadyTasks[i] = NULL; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Initialize all contexts and link them to the free contexts list.*/ FreeContexts = ctxts; for( i = 0; i < Number - 1; i++, ctxts++ ) { ctxts->Next = ctxts + 1; ctxts->List = &FreeContexts; } ctxts->Next = NULL; ctxts->List = &FreeContexts; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ } /*============================================================================*/ static void __attribute__((naked)) SaveContext( void ) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ asm volatile( "push.w W4 \n" "mov.w _CurrentTask,W4 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+0] \n" "pop.w W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+8] \n" "mov.w W1,[W4+2] \n" "mov.w W2,[W4+4] \n" "mov.w W3,[W4+6] \n" "mov.w W5,[W4+10] \n" "mov.w W6,[W4+12] \n" "mov.w W7,[W4+14] \n" "mov.w W8,[W4+16] \n" "mov.w W9,[W4+18] \n" "mov.w W10,[W4+20] \n" "mov.w W11,[W4+22] \n" "mov.w W12,[W4+24] \n" "mov.w W13,[W4+26] \n" "mov.w W14,[W4+28] \n" "mov.w SR,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+32] \n" ); asm volatile( "pop.s \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+34] \n" "mov.w W1,[W4+36] \n" "mov.w W2,[W4+38] \n" "mov.w W3,[W4+40] \n" "mov.w SR,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+42] \n" ); asm volatile( "mov.w [W15-6],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+44] \n" "mov.w [W15-8],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+46] \n" "sub.w W15,#8,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+30] \n" "mov.w SPLIM,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+48] \n" "mov.w TBLPAG,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+50] \n" "mov.w RCOUNT,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+52] \n" "mov.w CORCON,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+54] \n" ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if defined __dsPIC30F__ || defined __dsPIC33F__ asm volatile( "mov.w PSVPAG,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+56] \n" ); #elif defined __dsPIC33E__ asm volatile( "mov.w DSRPAG,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+56] \n" "mov.w DSWPAG,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+58] \n" ); #endif /* defined __dsPIC30F__ || defined __dsPIC33F__ */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Específicos dsPIC */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if defined __dsPIC30F__ || defined __dsPIC33F__ || defined __dsPIC33E__ asm volatile( "mov.w ACCAL,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+60] \n" "mov.w ACCAH,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+62] \n" "mov.w ACCAU,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+64] \n" "mov.w ACCBL,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+66] \n" "mov.w ACCBH,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+68] \n" "mov.w ACCBU,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+70] \n" ); asm volatile( /* Save DO vars */ "mov.w DCOUNT,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+72] \n" "mov.w DOENDL,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+74] \n" "mov.w DOENDH,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+76] \n" "mov.w DOSTARTL,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+78] \n" "mov.w DOSTARTH,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+80] \n" /* DL > 0 ? */ "mov.b [W4+55],W2 \n" "and.w #7,W2 \n" "bra z,JumpX \n" ); asm volatile( /* Abort DO */ "mov.w #tbloffset(Label1),W0 \n" "mov.w W0,DOSTARTL \n" "mov.w #tblpage(Label1),W0 \n" "mov.w W0,DOSTARTH \n" "mov.w #tbloffset(Label2),W0 \n" "mov.w W0,DOENDL \n" "mov.w #tblpage(Label2),W0 \n" "mov.w W0,DOENDH \n" "mov.w #1,W2 \n" "Label1: \n" "mov.w W2,DCOUNT \n" "bset.w CORCON,#11 \n" "Label2: nop \n" /* DL > 0 ? */ "btss.w SR,#9 \n" "bra JumpX \n" ); /* Save DO shadows */ asm volatile( "mov.w DCOUNT,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+82] \n" "mov.w DOENDL,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+84] \n" "mov.w DOENDH,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+86] \n" "mov.w DOSTARTL,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+88] \n" "mov.w DOSTARTH,W0 \n" "mov.w W0,[W4+90] \n" /* Abort DO */ "bset.w CORCON,#11 \n" "JumpX: \n" ); #endif /* defined __dsPIC30F__ || defined __dsPIC33F__ || defined __dsPIC33E__ */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ } /*============================================================================*/ static void __attribute__((naked)) RestoreContext( void ) { asm volatile( "mov.w _CurrentTask,W4 \n" ); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Específicos dsPIC */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if defined __dsPIC30F__ || defined __dsPIC33F__ || defined __dsPIC33E__ asm volatile( /* DL > 0 ? */ "mov.b [W4+45],W2 \n" "and.w #7,W2 \n" "bra z,JumpA \n" /* DL > 1 ? */ "dec.w W2,W0 \n" "bra z,JumpB \n" /* Start DO */ "do #1,Label0 \n" /* DL = DL - 1 */ "dec.w W2,W2 \n" ); /* Restore DO shadows */ asm volatile( "mov.w [W4+90],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,DOSTARTH \n" "mov.w [W4+88],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,DOSTARTL \n" "mov.w [W4+86],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,DOENDH \n" "mov.w [W4+84],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,DOENDL \n" "mov.w [W4+82],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,DCOUNT \n" ); asm volatile( "JumpB: \n" /* Start DO */ "do #1,Label0 \n" /* DL = DL - 1 */ "dec.w W2,W2 \n" /* DL > 0 ? */ "bra nz,JumpB \n" "JumpA: \n" /* Restore DO vars */ "mov.w [W4+80],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,DOSTARTH \n" "mov.w [W4+78],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,DOSTARTL \n" "mov.w [W4+76],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,DOENDH \n" "mov.w [W4+74],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,DOENDL \n" "mov.w [W4+72],W0 \n" "Label0: mov.w W0,DCOUNT \n" ); /* Restore DSP accumulators */ asm volatile( "mov.w [W4+70],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,ACCBU \n" "mov.w [W4+68],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,ACCBH \n" "mov.w [W4+66],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,ACCBL \n" "mov.w [W4+64],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,ACCAU \n" "mov.w [W4+62],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,ACCAH \n" "mov.w [W4+60],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,ACCAL \n" ); #endif /* defined __dsPIC30F__ || defined __dsPIC33F__ || defined __dsPIC33E__ */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Restore program space visibility registers */ #if defined __dsPIC30F__ || defined __dsPIC33F__ asm volatile( "mov.w [W4+56],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,PSVPAG \n" ); #elif defined __dsPIC33E__ asm volatile( "mov.w [W4+58],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,DSWPAG \n" "mov.w [W4+56],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,DSRPAG \n" ); #endif /* defined __dsPIC30F__ || defined __dsPIC33F__ */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Restore core control registers */ asm volatile( "mov.w [W4+54],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,CORCON \n" "mov.w [W4+52],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,RCOUNT \n" "mov.w [W4+50],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,TBLPAG \n" "mov.w [W4+48],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,SPLIM \n" "mov.w [W4+30],W15 \n" "mov.w [W4+46],W0 \n" "push.w W0 \n" "mov.w [W4+44],W0 \n" "push.w W0 \n" ); /* Restore shadow registers */ asm volatile( "mov.w [W4+42],W0 \n" "mov.w W0,SR \n" "mov.w [W4+40],W3 \n" "mov.w [W4+38],W2 \n" "mov.w [W4+36],W1 \n" "mov.w [W4+34],W0 \n" "push.s \n" ); /* Restore main registers */ asm volatile( "mov.b [W4+33],W0 \n" "mov.b WREG,0x0043 \n" "mov.w [W4+28],W14 \n" "mov.w [W4+26],W13 \n" "mov.w [W4+24],W12 \n" "mov.w [W4+22],W11 \n" "mov.w [W4+20],W10 \n" "mov.w [W4+18],W9 \n" "mov.w [W4+16],W8 \n" "mov.w [W4+14],W7 \n" "mov.w [W4+12],W6 \n" "mov.w [W4+10],W5 \n" "mov.w [W4+6],W3 \n" "mov.w [W4+4],W2 \n" "mov.w [W4+2],W1 \n" "mov.w [W4+0],W0 \n" "mov.w [W4+8],W4 \n" "retfie \n" ); } /*============================================================================*/ void __attribute__((noreturn)) StartRTOS( tickcount_t TickPeriod ) { SystemTick = 0; CurrentTask = ReadyTasks[HighestReadyPriority]; PR1 = TickPeriod; TMR1 = 0; T1CON = 0x8000; IFS0bits.T1IF = 0; IEC0bits.T1IE = 1; SR |= 0x00e0; INTCON1 = 0x0000; INTCON2 = 0x8000; RestoreContext(); while( 1 ) {} } /*============================================================================*/ void __attribute__((interrupt,naked,auto_psv)) _T1Interrupt( void ) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SaveContext(); Switch(); /* Doing it this way to save stack and also because some dsPICs and PIC24 execute 'bra' and 'goto' faster than 'call' or 'rcall'. We are not returnig from here anyway. */ asm volatile( "bra _RestoreContext \n" ); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ } /*============================================================================*/ #if defined __DEBUG void T2Handler( void ); void __attribute__((interrupt,naked,auto_psv)) _T2Interrupt( void ) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SaveContext(); T2Handler(); /* Doing it this way to save stack and also because some dsPICs and PIC24 execute 'bra' and 'goto' faster than 'call' or 'rcall'. We are not returnig from here anyway. */ asm volatile( "bra _RestoreContext \n" ); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ } #endif /* defined __DEBUG */ /*============================================================================*/ void __attribute__((naked)) ForceYield( void ) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Transform the return address to a form suitable for a 'retfie' instruction. */ asm volatile( "mov.b SR,WREG \n" "mov.b W0,[W15-1] \n" ); SaveContext(); CurrentTask = ReadyTasks[HighestReadyPriority]; /* Doing it this way to save stack and also because some dsPICs and PIC24 execute 'bra' and 'goto' faster than 'call' or 'rcall'. We are not returnig from here anyway. */ asm volatile( "bra _RestoreContext \n" ); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ } /*============================================================================*/ void __attribute__((naked)) HigherPriorityAwakened( void ) { CurrentTask = ReadyTasks[HighestReadyPriority]; /* Doing it this way to save stack and also because some dsPICs and PIC24 execute 'bra' and 'goto' faster than 'call' or 'rcall'. We are not returnig from here anyway. */ asm volatile( "bra _RestoreContext \n" ); } /*============================================================================*/ #endif /* defined __XC16__ */ /*============================================================================*/ void dummy( void );
file: /Techref/member/IMB-yahoo-J86/PortPIC24dsPIC-C.c.htm, 21KB, , updated: 2016/1/14 20:33, local time: 2025/3/13 12:10,
owner: IMB-yahoo-J86, IN
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