Too many steps have been taken returning to the root and the source.
Better to have been blind and deaf from the beginning!
Dwelling in one's true abode, unconcerned with that without-
The river flows tranquilly on and the flowers are red.

When Joshu came to study under Nansen and asked 'What is the true Tao?', he was told, 'Your everyday mind, that is the Tao'.
The oxherder is preparing to resume his everyday life. The world's the same, but he sees it in slightly different way. Mastering JavaScript will gradually change how you see your web pages. This page illustrates a few techniques that will come in handy as you begin to move along the way of JavaScript. Click on a picture for the associated comments:

along the way of JavaScript

'Cookies' are snippets of information that can be saved to your site visitor's computer for future reference. They are used to hold 'persistent variables'.
Database I: An Introduction
along the way of JavaScript

JavaScript is an excellent tool for managing smaller client-side databases free from the overhead of server programming.
Database II: A Database Object
along the way of JavaScript

In this supplement, you will learn how to add a simple object to the JavaScript language for general use with client-side databases utilizing multidimensional arrays.
Database III: jBase
along the way of JavaScript

Extending the object created in Database II, this supplement completes jBase - the Oxherder's Database Object for JavaScript - by giving the user control of the reporting methods.
along the way of JavaScript

Here are a couple of tips on how to add some color to the drabscape of JavaScript's cadre of html controls.
along the way of JavaScript

JavaScript is 'work in progress'. There are at least four variations out there that need to be considered in your scripts - and a fifth on the way.
along the way of JavaScript

JavaScript authors often envy the Java pages with their dancing figures. Here are some ways to add animation with JavaScript [please use restraint!].