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Event Log Messages

Index Server system errors are reported in the application event log under the Ci Filter Service category. System errors reported here include page filtering (indexing) problems, out-of-resource conditions, index corruption, and so on.

The following messages are written to the Windows NT application event log.

Message Explanation
Account user-id does not have interactive logon privilege on this computer. You can give user-id interactive logon privilege on this computer using the user manager administrative tool. The specified user-id does not have on the computer running Index Server. Give the user-id interactive logon privilege through the User Manager for Domains.
The CI filter daemon has prematurely stopped and will be and subsequently restarted. The filter daemon (Cidaemon.exe) stopped unexpectedly. It will be automatically restarted. This can be caused by poorly written filters, or experimentation with the Windows NT Task Manager.
CI has started on <catalog>. An informational message logged when Index Server is started successfully.
Class for extension <extension> unknown. Sample file: <file> This is a warning that files with the specified extension are being filtered with the default (text) filter. This can lead to addition of unnecessary data in the index. Consider turning off filtering for this extension. The full physical path of a representative file is included in the message.

Generation of this message can be disabled by turning on a special flag in ContentIndex registry key. See FilterFilesWithUnknownExtensions on the Registry page for details.

Cleaning up corrupted content index metadata on <catalog>. Index will be automatically restored by refiltering all documents. A catastrophic data corruption error was detected on the specified catalog. The catalog will be rebuilt. This is usually caused by hardware failure, but can also occur in rare circumstances because of abrupt shutdown or power failure. Recovery will occur automatically.
Content index on <catalog> could not be initialized. Error <number>. Unknown, possibly catastrophic error. Please report the error number to Microsoft Technical Support. To recover, delete all files under <catalog> and re-index.
Content index on <catalog> is corrupted. Please shut down and restart Web server. A catastrophic data corruption error was detected on the specified catalog. The catalog will be rebuilt. This is usually caused by hardware failure, but can also occur in rare circumstances because of abrupt shutdown or power failure. You must shut down and restart the Web server for recovery to occur.
Content index corruption detected in component <component>. Stack trace is <stack>. The content index is corrupted. Delete the catalog and start over. If you keep getting this error, remove and reinstall Index Server.
Content index corruption detected in component <component> in catalog <catalog>. Stack trace is <stack>. The content index is corrupt. Delete the catalog and start over. If you keep getting this error, remove and reinstall Index Server.
The content index could not filter file <file>. The filter operation was retried <number> times without success. The specified document failed to successfully filter <number> times. This usually indicates a corrupted document or corrupted properties. In rare cases, filtering may fail because the document was in use for a long period of time.
Content index on drive is corrupted. Please shutdown and restart the Content Index service (cisvc). In the Windows NT Control Panel under Services, stop the Content Index service, and then restart it.
The content index filter for file “<file>” generated content data more than <size> times the file’s size. Filtering of the specified document generated more than the allowed maximum amount of output. This is usually caused by a poorly written filter, a corrupted document, or both.
The content index filter stopped while filtering “<file>”. The CI daemon was restarted. Please check the validity of the filter for objects of this class. Filtering of the specified document was started, but did not finish before the timeout period expired. This is usually caused by a poorly written filter, a corrupted document, or both.
A content scan has completed on <catalog>. A content scan of the catalog has been completed successfully.
An error has been detected on <catalog> that requires a full content scan. The catalog lost a change notification, usually due to lack of resources (disk space) or hardware failure. The complete scope of the catalog will be scanned, and all documents will be refiltered. This action is deferred until a suitable time.
An error has been detected in content index on <catalog>. The content index is corrupt. Delete the catalog and start over. If you keep getting this error, remove and reinstall Index Server.
An error has been detected on <catalog> that requires a partial content scan. The catalog lost a change notification, usually due to lack of resources (disk space) or hardware failure. A partial scope of the catalog will be scanned, and some documents will be refiltered. This action is deferred until a suitable time.
Error <number> detected in content index on <catalog>. Unknown, possibly catastrophic error. Please report error number to Microsoft Technical Support. To recover, delete all files under <catalog> and start over.
File change notifications are turned off for scope “<scope>” because of error <number>. This scope will be periodically rescanned. An error prevented reestablishing automatic change notifications for the specified directory scope. To determine documents that changed in the scope, periodic incremental scans will be done by Index Server. The rescan interval is specified in the registry.
File change notifications for scope “<scope>” are not enabled because of error <number>. This scope will be periodically rescanned. An error prevented establishment of automatic change notifications for the specified directory scope. This usually happens with virtual roots that point to remote shares on file servers that do not support automatic change notifications. To determine which documents changed in the scope, periodic incremental scans will be done by Index Server. The rescan interval is specified in the registry.
The filter service could not run since file <file> could not be found on your system. An executable or DLL required for filtering cannot be found, usually because Cidaemon.exe is not on the path.
A full content scan has started on <catalog>. A complete rescan of the catalog has been initiated.
<number> inconsistencies were detected in PropertyStore during recovery of catalog <catalog>. Corruption was detected in the property cache during startup. Recovery is automatically scheduled. Usually the result of hardware failure or abrupt shutdown.
Master merge cannot be restarted on <catalog> due to error <number>. A master merge cannot be restarted on the specified catalog. The error code gives the reason.
Master merge cannot be started on <catalog> due to error <number>. A master merge cannot be started on the specified catalog. The error code gives the reason.
Master merge has been paused on <catalog>. It will be rescheduled later. A master merge has been temporarily halted on the specified catalog. Often occurs when a merge runs out of system resources (disk space, memory, and so on).
Master merge has completed on <catalog>. A master merge has been completed on the specified catalog. This is an informational message.
Master merge has restarted on <catalog>. A paused master merge has been restarted.
Master merge has started on <catalog>. A master merge has been initiated on the specified catalog. This is an informational message.
Master merge was started on <catalog> because the amount of remaining disk space was less than <number>%. A master merge was started because the amount of free space on the catalog volume dropped below a minimum threshold. The total free disk space should be increased after the master merge completes.
Master merge was started on <catalog> because more than <number> documents have changed since the last master merge. A master merge was started because the number of documents changed since the last master merge exceeded the maximum threshold.
Master merge was started on <catalog> because the size of the shadow indexes is more than <number>% the disk. A master merge was started because the amount of data in shadow indexes exceeded the maximum threshold.
Notifications are not enabled on <pathname> because this is a DFS aware share. This scope will be periodically scanned. If a virtual root points to a distributed file system (DFS) share, notifications are disabled for the entire DFS share because DFS does not support notifications.
One or more embeddings in file <file> could not be filtered. The specified file was filtered correctly, but several of the embedded objects could not be filtered. This is usually caused by embedded objects without a registered filter. Text within unfiltered embedded objects is not searchable. Generation of this message can be disabled by turning on a special flag in key registry. See Registry parameters for details.
The path <pathname> is too long for Content Index. The Content Index service detected a path that was longer than the maximum number of characters allowed for a pathname as determined by the constant MAX_PATH (260 characters). As a result, no documents from that path will be returned or indexed.
Please check your system time. It might be set to an invalid value. This event is generated when the system time is invalid, for example, when set to a date before January 1, 1980. When the system time is invalid, the date may appear as 2096.
<Process-Name> failed to logon <UserId> because of error <number>. The specified process (Index Server SearchEngine or CiDaemon) failed to log on the specified user because of an error. The remote shares for which the UserId is used will not be filtered correctly. This can happen if either the password is wrong or the validity of the password could not be verified due to network errors.
PropertyStore inconsistency detected in catalog <catalog>. Corruption was detected in the property cache. Recovery is automatically scheduled. Usually the result of hardware failure or abrupt shutdown.
Recovery is starting on PropertyStore in catalog <catalog>. Corruption was detected in the property cache. Recovery is starting on the property cache. This can take a long time depending upon the size of the property cache.
Recovery was performed successfully on PropertyStore in catalog <catalog>. Corruption was detected in the property cache. The error has been fixed. Usually the result of hardware failure or abrupt shutdown.
Very low disk space was detected on drive <drive>. Please free up at least <number> MB of space for content index to continue. Free space has fallen below the minimum threshold required for successful merge. This is just a warning, but no merges will be initiated until space is freed up. Filtering will also stop.

Virtual Roots

Message Explanation
Added virtual root <root> to index. The message “Mapped to <path>” is added to the event log when a virtual root is indexed.
Removed virtual root <root> from index. This message is written to the event log when a virtual root is deleted from the index.
Added scope <path> to index. This message is added to the event log when a new physical scope is indexed.
Removed scope <path> from index. This message is written to the event log when a new physical scope is deleted from the index.

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