please dont rip this site

Version 1

	push ax
	push bx
	push si
	sub	sp, 24h
	mov	ax, dx	; value
	mov	bx, 10		; radix
	mov	si, sp
		xor	dx, dx
		div	bx
		mov	[si], dl
		inc	si
		.until ax==0
		dec	si
		mov	al, [si]
		add	al, '0'
		.until si==sp
	add	sp, 24h
	pop	si
	pop	bx
	pop	ax
;OutBufDXasDecimal	ends

Version 2

see for notes on how this works. Plan on a headache. <GRIN>
[ed: quick guess at speed is that about 200 instructions will be executed]

;Takes hex number in NumH:NumL  Returns decimal in ;TenK:Thou:Hund:Tens:Ones
;written by John Payson

;=A3*163 + A2*162 + A1*161 + A0*160
;=A3*4096 + A2*256 + A1*16 + A0
NumH            DB 0    ;A3*16+A2
NumL            DB 0	;A1*16+A0
;share variables
;=B4*104 + B3*103 + B2*102 + B1*101 + B0*100
;=B4*10000 + B3*1000 + B2*100 + B1*10 + B0
TenK            DB 0	;B4
Thou            DB 0	;B3
Hund            DB 0	;B2
Tens            DB 0	;B1
Ones            DB 0	;B0

	mov al, NumH	;swapf	NumH,w	;al = A2*16+A3
        shr al, 4	;andlw  $0F     ;al = A3		*** PERSONALLY, I'D REPLACE THESE 2
        add al, 0F0h	;addlw  $F0	;al = A3-16	*** LINES WITH "IORLW 11110000B" -AW
        mov Thou, al	;movwf  Thou	;B3 = A3-16
        add Thou, al	;addwf  Thou,f	;B3 = 2*(A3-16) = 2A3 - 32
        add al, 0E2h	;addlw  $E2	;al = A3-16 - 30 = A3-46
        mov Hund, al	;movwf   Hund	;B2 = A3-46
        add al, 32h	;addlw   $32	;al = A3-46 + 50 = A3+4
        mov Ones, al	;movwf   Ones	;B0 = A3+4

        mov al, NumH	;movf    NumH,w	;al = A3*16+A2
        and al, 0Fh	;andlw   $0F	;al = A2
        add Hund, al	;addwf   Hund,f	;B2 = A3-46 + A2 = A3+A2-46
        add Hund, al	;addwf   Hund,f	;B2 = A3+A2-46  + A2 = A3+2A2-46
        add Ones, al	;addwf   Ones,f	;B0 = A3+4 + A2 = A3+A2+4
        add al, 0E9h	;addlw   $E9	;al = A2 - 23
        mov Tens, al	;movwf   Tens	;B1 = A2-23
        add Tens, al	;addwf   Tens,f	;B1 = 2*(A2-23)
        add Tens, al	;addwf   Tens,f	;B1 = 3*(A2-23) = 3A2-69 (Doh! thanks NG)

        mov al, NumL	;swapf   NumL,w	;al = A0*16+A1
        shr al, 4	;andlw   $0F	;al = A1
        add Tens, al	;addwf   Tens,f	;B1 = 3A2-69 + A1 = 3A2+A1-69 range -69...-9
        add Ones, al	;addwf   Ones,f	;B0 = A3+A2+4 + A1 = A3+A2+A1+4 and Carry = 0 (thanks NG)

        shl Tens, 1	;rlf     Tens,f	;B1 = 2*(3A2+A1-69) + C = 6A2+2A1-138 and Carry is now 1 as tens register had to be negitive
        rcl Ones, 1	;rlf     Ones,f	;B0 = 2*(A3+A2+A1+4) + C = 2A3+2A2+2A1+9 (+9 not +8 due to the carry from prev line, Thanks NG)
        xor Ones, 0FFh	;comf    Ones,f	;B0 = ~(2A3+2A2+2A1+9) = -2A3-2A2-2A1-10 (ones complement plus 1 is twos complement. Thanks SD)
;;Nikolai Golovchenko [golovchenko at MAIL.RU] says: comf can be regarded like:
;;      comf Ones, f
;;      incf Ones, f
;;      decf Ones, f
;;First two instructions make up negation. So,
;;Ones  = -1 * Ones - 1 
;;      = - 2 * (A3 + A2 + A1) - 9 - 1 
;;      = - 2 * (A3 + A2 + A1) - 10
        shl Ones, 1	;rlf     Ones,f	;B0 = 2*(-2A3-2A2-2A1-10) = -4A3-4A2-4A1-20

        mov al, NumL	;movf    NumL,w	;al = A1*16+A0
        and al, 0Fh	;andlw   $0F	;al = A0
        add Ones, al	;addwf   Ones,f	;B0 = -4A3-4A2-4A1-20 + A0 = A0-4(A3+A2+A1)-20 range -215...-5 Carry=0
        shl Thou, 1	;rlf     Thou,f	;B3 = 2*(2A3 - 32) = 4A3 - 64

        mov TenK, 7	;movlw   $07	;al = 7
        		;movwf   TenK	;B4 = 7

;B0 = A0-4(A3+A2+A1)-20	;-5...-200
;B1 = 6A2+2A1-138	;-18...-138
;B2 = A3+2A2-46		;-1...-46
;B3 = 4A3-64		;-4...-64
;B4 = 7			;7
; At this point, the original number is
; equal to TenK*10000+Thou*1000+Hund*100+Tens*10+Ones 
; if those entities are regarded as two's compliment 
; binary.  To be precise, all of them are negative 
; except TenK.  Now the number needs to be normal- 
; ized, but this can all be done with simple byte 
; arithmetic.

        mov al, 0Ah	;movlw   $0A	;al = 10
	.repeat	;Lb1:			;do
         add Ones, al	;addwf   Ones,f	; B0 += 10
         dec Tens	;decf    Tens,f	; B1 -= 1
         .until Carry?	;btfss   3,0 				;skip no carry
         		;goto   Lb1	; while B0 < 0		;jmp carry
	.repeat	;Lb2:			;do
         add Tens, al	;addwf   Tens,f	; B1 += 10
         dec Hund	;decf    Hund,f	; B2 -= 1
         .until Carry?	;btfss   3,0
			;goto   Lb2	; while B1 < 0
	.repeat	;Lb3:			;do
         add Hund, al	;addwf   Hund,f	; B2 += 10
         dec Thou	;decf    Thou,f	; B3 -= 1
         .until Carry?	;btfss   3,0
			;goto   Lb3	; while B2 < 0
	.repeat	;Lb4:			;do
         add Thou, al	;addwf   Thou,f	; B3 += 10
         dec TenK	;decf    TenK,f	; B4 -= 1
         .until Carry?	;btfss   3,0
			;goto   Lb4	; while B3 < 0

	ret		;retlw   0

;Takes hex number in dh:dl returns decimal out at [edi] useing local TenK:Thou:Hund:Tens:Ones
;written by John Payson

;=A3*163 + A2*162 + A1*161 + A0*160
;=A3*4096 + A2*256 + A1*16 + A0
NumH textequ <dh>	;A3*16+A2
NumL textequ <dl>	;A1*16+A0

;temp variables
;=B4*104 + B3*103 + B2*102 + B1*101 + B0*100
;=B4*10000 + B3*1000 + B2*100 + B1*10 + B0
TenK 	textequ <BYTE PTR [edi-5]>	;B4
Thou	textequ <BYTE PTR [edi-4]>	;B3
Hund	textequ <BYTE PTR [edi-3]>	;B2
Tens	textequ <BYTE PTR [edi-2]>	;B1
Ones	textequ <BYTE PTR [edi-1]>	;B0

	xor al,al
	mov TenK, al
	mov Thou, al
	mov Hund, al
	mov Tens, al
	mov Ones, al

  mov al, NumH  ;swapf	NumH,w  ;al = A2*16+A3
  shr al, 4     ;andlw  $0F     ;al = A3		*** PERSONALLY, I'D REPLACE THESE 2
  add al, 0F0h  ;addlw  $F0     ;al = A3-16	*** LINES WITH "IORLW 11110000B" -AW
  mov Thou, al  ;movwf  Thou    ;B3 = A3-16
  add Thou, al  ;addwf  Thou,f  ;B3 = 2*(A3-16) = 2A3 - 32
  add al, 0E2h  ;addlw  $E2     ;al = A3-16 - 30 = A3-46
  mov Hund, al  ;movwf  Hund    ;B2 = A3-46
  add al, 32h   ;addlw  $32     ;al = A3-46 + 50 = A3+4
  mov Ones, al	;movwf  Ones    ;B0 = A3+4

  mov al, NumH  ;movf   NumH,w	;al = A3*16+A2
  and al, 0Fh   ;andlw  $0F	    ;al = A2
  add Hund, al  ;addwf  Hund,f  ;B2 = A3-46 + A2 = A3+A2-46
  add Hund, al  ;addwf  Hund,f  ;B2 = A3+A2-46  + A2 = A3+2A2-46
  add Ones, al  ;addwf  Ones,f  ;B0 = A3+4 + A2 = A3+A2+4
  add al, 0E9h  ;addlw  $E9     ;al = A2 - 23
  mov Tens, al  ;movwf  Tens    ;B1 = A2-23
  add Tens, al  ;addwf  Tens,f  ;B1 = 2*(A2-23)
  add Tens, al  ;addwf  Tens,f  ;B1 = 3*(A2-23) = 3A2-69 (Doh! thanks NG)

  mov al, NumL  ;swapf  NumL,w  ;al = A0*16+A1
  shr al, 4     ;andlw  $0F     ;al = A1
  add Tens, al  ;addwf  Tens,f  ;B1 = 3A2-69 + A1 = 3A2+A1-69 range -69...-9
  add Ones, al	;addwf  Ones,f  ;B0 = A3+A2+4 + A1 = A3+A2+A1+4 and Carry = 0 (thanks NG)

  shl Tens, 1   ;rlf    Tens,f  ;B1 = 2*(3A2+A1-69) + C = 6A2+2A1-138
				              ;Carry is now 1 as tens register had to be negitive
  rcl Ones, 1   ;rlf    Ones,f	;B0 = 2*(A3+A2+A1+4) + C = 2A3+2A2+2A1+9 
				              ;(+9 not +8 due to the carry from prev line, Thanks NG)
  xor Ones,0FFh ;comf   Ones,f  ;B0 = ~(2A3+2A2+2A1+9) = -2A3-2A2-2A1-10 
;ones complement plus 1 is twos complement. Thanks SD
;Nikolai Golovchenko [golovchenko at MAIL.RU] says: 
;;comf can be regarded like:
;;      comf Ones, f
;;      incf Ones, f
;;      decf Ones, f
;;First two instructions make up negation. So,
;;Ones  = -1 * Ones - 1 
;;      = - 2 * (A3 + A2 + A1) - 9 - 1 
;;      = - 2 * (A3 + A2 + A1) - 10

  shl Ones, 1   ;rlf    Ones,f  ;B0 = 2*(-2A3-2A2-2A1-10) = -4A3-4A2-4A1-20

  mov al, NumL  ;movf   NumL,w  ;al = A1*16+A0
  and al, 0Fh   ;andlw  $0F     ;al = A0
  add Ones, al	;addwf  Ones,f  ;B0 = -4A3-4A2-4A1-20 + A0 = A0-4(A3+A2+A1)-20 
				              ;range -215...-5 Carry=0
  shl Thou, 1   ;rlf    Thou,f  ;B3 = 2*(2A3 - 32) = 4A3 - 64

  mov TenK, 7   ;movlw  $07     ;al = 7
                ;movwf  TenK    ;B4 = 7

;B0 = A0-4(A3+A2+A1)-20	;-5...-200
;B1 = 6A2+2A1-138	;-18...-138
;B2 = A3+2A2-46		;-1...-46
;B3 = 4A3-64		;-4...-64
;B4 = 7			;7
; At this point, the original number is
; equal to TenK*10000+Thou*1000+Hund*100+Tens*10+Ones 
; if those entities are regarded as two's compliment 
; binary.  To be precise, all of them are negative 
; except TenK.  Now the number needs to be normal- 
; ized, but this can all be done with simple byte 
; arithmetic.

  mov al, 0Ah   ;movlw   $0A    ;al = 10
  .repeat       ;Lb1:           ;do
   add Ones, al ;addwf   Ones,f ; B0 += 10
   dec Tens     ;decf    Tens,f	; B1 -= 1
   .until Carry?;btfss   3,0    ;skip no carry
                ;goto   Lb1     ; while B0 < 0  ;jmp carry
  .repeat       ;Lb2:           ;do
   add Tens, al ;addwf   Tens,f ; B1 += 10
   dec Hund     ;decf    Hund,f ; B2 -= 1
   .until Carry?;btfss   3,0
                ;goto   Lb2     ; while B1 < 0
  .repeat       ;Lb3:           ;do
   add Hund, al ;addwf   Hund,f	; B2 += 10
   dec Thou     ;decf    Thou,f ; B3 -= 1
   .until Carry?;btfss   3,0
                ;goto   Lb3     ; while B2 < 0
  .repeat       ;Lb4:           ;do
   add Thou, al ;addwf   Thou,f ; B3 += 10
   dec TenK     ;decf    TenK,f ; B4 -= 1
   .until Carry?;btfss   3,0
                ;goto   Lb4     ; while B3 < 0
  retn          ;retlw   0

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