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Function 0C0h Get System Configuration (XT 1/10/86+, Convert, XT/286, AT, PS/2)

entry AH 0C0h

return CF 1 if BIOS doesn't support call

ES:BX pointer to ROM system descriptor table

dword number of bytes in the following table (norm. 16 bytes)

byte system ID byte

byte secondary ID distingushes between AT and XT/286, etc.

byte BIOS revision level, 0 for 1st release, 1 for 2nd, etc.

byte feature information

80h DMA channel 3 used by hard disk BIOS

40h 2nd 8259 installed

20h realtime clock installed

10h Int15f4F called upon Int09

08h wait for external event supported Int15f41

used on Convertible; reserved on PS/2 systems

04h extended BIOS area allocated at 640k

03h reserved

02h bus is Micro Channel instead of PC

01h reserved

00h reserved

byte unknown (set to 0) (reserved by IBM)

byte unknown (set to 0) (reserved by IBM)

byte unknown (set to 0)

byte unknown (set to 0) (Award copyright here)

Function 0C0h Get System Configuration (XT 1/10/86+, Convert, XT/286, AT, PS/2)

note 1) Int 15h is also used for the Multitask Hook on PS/2 machines. No

register settings availible yet.

2) The 1/10/86 XT BIOS returns an incorrect value for the feature byte.

file: /Techref/int/15f/c0.htm, 1KB, , updated: 1999/4/26 12:42, local time: 2024/9/18 08:05,

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