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Good ol' American (or whatever) Ingenuity

Ready made boat...

Ready made Treehouse

"The electric lawnmower died 1 week past warrenty (don't buy Black and Decker) and the tire failed on the wheelburo... but the combination is the best tool I ever found! Easy to roll (no lifting) easy to turn, easy to dump. "

Wheel buro made from a tarp, sticks and a wheel.

Turns to face the sun at all times.

Afterglow replacement.


Overcomming the lack of flat land and/or grading equipment.

Healthy sport without expensive equipment

As useful, if not more, than the electronic version. Probably false alarms about as often. Much better theft deturrent. Lower initial purchase, but ongoing maintenance could cost more.

Not OSHA approved due to tripping hazard.

A clean cow is a productive cow.

If that is, in fact, a radar gun, and if that is a hiway as it appears to be, then that must be a horse that any jockey would be proud to ride.

Mud treatments at the local spa have become prohibitivly expensive.

No space for a second outhouse...

Hot tub from available materials.

House Boat


See also:

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