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Layout managers

A layout manager controls the size and position of components in a panels, frames and windows.

Although possible, using absolute positioning of components (not using a layout manager) will result on interfaces that wont work on all platforms. This is because the size anfd apperance of componmets in the applet is dependant on the resolution and platform on which the browser is running.

the layout managers provided in Java are:

There is support for writing a custom layout manager, but these should be enough. all the applets above are really the same applet that takes different parameters. The source can be found in the file

User interface widgets

Basic widgets

The following basic interface widgets are provided in the awt toolkit.
Button Checkbox Choice
Label List Scrollbar
TextArea TextField

Later I will discuss the writing of custom components. The applets in the examples above are really the same applet that takes different parameters. The source can be found in the file


Widgets can live in containers:
Panel Frame Dialog
panels are used to contain other componenets. See the examples on layout managers above to see how panels are used

Applets are embedded in browsers and so do not have a frame, however there is no reason that applets can't create frames.

Dialogs can only be started from a frame.


And frames can have
MenuBar MenuItem CheckboxMenuItem
All of the frame and menu examples above are FrameDemo applets. The frames started from the applets are implemented by the class Simpleframe.
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