PIC 16F628 GSM Monitoring
and Control System
by Ole Wulff
is seen before, but this time it is complete!
A simple GSM based monitoring and controlling system on a small board with
a PIC processor holding a solid program able to control a various types of
GSM modems and Cell phones.
Four inputs, one power output prepared for monitoring and controlling through
SMS messages on your mobile phone. Send a SMS and turn on the relay. Get
a SMS if the inputs are activated or the power is lost.
You can build it in your existing alarm system, or as a stand alone system.
Use it in you car or where ever you like. You decide it.
I call it "the bug"..
This article includes the full documentation and all you will need. It for
free and you can use it or modify if you like (if you like it, or do the
ultimate modification feel free to drop me a mail :-).
Ole Wulff (owdk-at-yahoo-dot-com)

Part list
R1 10k - all SMD 0805
R2 100k
R3 10k
R4 100k
R5 10k
R6 100k
R7 10k
R8 100k
R9 1k
R10 330
R11 33k
R12 1k
R13 1k
R14 8k2
R15 10k
R16 4k7
R17 10k
R18 4k7
R19 10k -
R20 100k -
C1 100n SMD 0805
C2 100n SMD 0805
C3 100n SMD 0805
C4 100 SMD 0805
C5 22p SMD 0805
C6 22p SMD 0805
C7 22n SMD 0805
C8 100n SMD 0805
C9 1u SMD 0805
C10 10u - leaded
D1 BAT54
D2 BAT54
D3 4V7 zener diode - leaded
D4 1N4005 - leaded
D5 1N4005 - leaded
D6 BAT54
D7 BAT54
D8 yellow 3 mm LED leaded
D9 BAT54 (optional for O3 output)
T1 small signal NPN in SOT-23
T2 small signal NPN in SOT-23
T3 small signal NPN 600mA in SOT-23
T4 small signal PNP in SOT-23
T5 small signal NPN in SOT-23
X1 4 MHZ crystal HC-49U
IC1 16F628A/16F648A - DIP
IC2 78L05 - TO-92
RE1 Omron G2RL-1-12V /G5S-1-12V
5x 3-pin connector, pin space 5 mm
2x 2 pin connector, pin space 5 mm
PCB SIO-4-01