Signs please dont rip this site

Actual Signs across the USA.

Run, Bullwinkle, run!!

80% guaranteed.

This town is trying to reduce its local population.

Do you reckon they ran out of Canola oil?

Everything for a shotgun wedding...

The local College in Weed California presents students with a classic question.

Maybe the sign should have read "Pass With Care - Right Side Up"

Younger painters need not apply!

Perfect road for a getaway.

Besides, they aren't in season right now!

Sure hope everyone brought along an empty coffee can or a mason jar.

At least they tried to provide English instructions...

They actually have to put a sign up to keep people from doing this?

You mean I can't leave a body part and go shopping while my tattoo is being done?

I wonder how long they'd remain your best friend?

Who says you can't be in two places at once?

Fast elderly people must cross elsewhere.

Use the upper one.

See also:

file: /Techref/other/signs.htm, 6KB, , updated: 2008/2/2 05:38, local time: 2024/9/17 14:26,

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