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Giles NEWTON Elizabeth (Bettie) Terrell
bd. 1735? Henrico or Caroline Co., VA
dd. 15 Oct 1807


Nancy Ann Newton b: 1760 in Charlotte Co., VA

Younger NEWTON Sr. b:1763 VA

Martha Newton b: 1765 in Charlotte Co., VA

Teresa Elizabeth Newton b: 16 JAN 1765 in Roanoke Co, VA

Mary Terrell Newton b: 1769 in Charlotte Co., VA

James Newton b: 1771 in Charlotte Co., VA

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A record of Giles Newton's Last Will

See also:

James Newton Says:

Henrico or "Henricus" is one of the earliest English settlements in the "new world." First set foot on by Captain Christopher Newport and his company (Captain John Smith, George Percy, Esq., Captain Gabriel Archer, and about 20 others) in 1607, the first perminant settlement was established by Sir Thomas Dale in 1611. It was a fortified settlement. Frame houses lined three streets, and the men had built a wooden church, a brick foundation for a permanent church, storehouses, watchtowers, and huts. In 1612 John Rolfe introduced new strains of mild tobacco which transformed the economy and his marrage to Chief Powhatan's daughter, Pocahontas, in 1614 provided a temporary peace with the Indians. In 1619 the Virginia Company established the City of Henrico as a plantation. Rapid growth followed and in 1622 an Indian uprising caused Henrico to be abandoned. In 1624, England assumed control of the colonies. In 1634, Virginia was divided into eight shires, or counties, one being Henrico. By 1640, the Henrico court was held at Varina. By 1752, the courthouse was moved to Richmond.

Records about Giles and or his parents would have been moved from Varina to Richmond or in any accounts of the first settlement by Sir Thomas Dale.


See: DESCENDANTS OF GILES NEWTON I by Maxine Newton Gibson.

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