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I think I would start with, There is a size limitation and this is something you should make yourself aware of right at the beginning so that you do not make designs to big. If you should do this (make your glyphs to big), be aware, when you access this glyph, there is a good chance that you can freeze up your computer. I had done it fairly regular, until I realized the glyph was to large for the imaginary allowable space for the glyph.

When I did this tutorial, I believed that the graphic above, was the maximum allowable size but since then, I have found that this size can be about twice the size of that graphic. The main thing, Is not to exceed the figure you will see in the lower right corner of the TTF window. If you just accepted the default on the EM dialog box, then this will be 2048em's. You can change this figure, and probably will as you learn more about Softy and start making smaller glyphs (2048em's seems to be a wide space, good for dingbats, but font characters take about half that number)

Before we begin, I want you to read the instructions that are on the internet site of the program. You are interested in the manufacture of True Type Fonts. When I first saw both the program and the skimpy instructions, I shelved the program and thought that the learning curve was to steep for me but I never lost interest in the program. I kept going back to the site hoping to see some further instructions on how to use the program, I guess I wanted to learn but not at the cost it seemed to need. This is top tell you, The curve is not that steep, as you will learn

Having selected True Type at the opening menu, you will get a second window that opens, this is the window where you set the glyph, but that is getting ahead of myself. Here you select NEW if you are starting a new selection of glyphs, or, OPEN if you want to edit an existing font file. Since this is your first time, we will stick with NEW

You will now get three dialog boxes in a row. The first two, you will accept the default and click the OK button. This is the First

This is the Second

And this is the third dialog box. Here you will enter the pertnant information that you require, Mainly you will enter the name of the font in each of the boxes where you see the word NEW, If you want to distribute these, I would suggest that you use the box for Copyright and if you plan on updating them you might want to establish a version number and possably a trademark.
This is one that I used for making some glyphs for the local Fire Company, I was not going to update or distribute so I left this information out. Now, having entered the information you want there, Just click on the OK button and you move on to the next screen.

This is the next screen you will use. Here you select NEW > GLYPH, Having done that you now have a sequence to follow since the first space must be a blank


Notice this causes a section on the extreme left to become highlighted. Also, would like you to take note of the box in red on the lower right, This is the maximum size allowed for a glyph that I know of. If your glyph exceeds this number in any way, you will probably have a system failure when you attempt to use this .ttf file.

The nex step in thei sequence is to MAP this area as a blank space, so you select the MAP on the menu. This in turn, will open another dialog box for you to enter the key sequence (in this case, the ASCII # 32)

Having done this, You have met the basic requirements necessary for SOFTY and are now ready to start mapping your glyphs.

Page Two

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