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This site contains information of a technical and sometimes sensitive nature. It is updated by a number of people from all walks of life including programmers, designers, technician and systems engineers.

The content of this site is a valuable collection of the intellectual property of many authors. It is a challenge to protect this property while at the same time making it freely available and still rewarding the authors in order to encourage them to continue contributing.

Non-members are excluded from some content which is collected automatically (e.g. mailing list archives) and which may contain personal information (such as email addresses) which WILL be protected. If you are willing to identify yourself, you can access that content. If you try to mine, snag, copy, or crawl the site, you will find that it knows what you are doing and will protect itself and its authors.

Contents range from low level machine code tricks for several processors to command references, tips and trick for applications like word processing and on to how to build a solar powered air conditioning system. You will find detailed information (not just links) on Ubicom and PIC micro controllers, the IBM PC parallel port, DOS (and Windows) APIs, electronic construction, and much more. We focus on the actual data and details of how the world works and not on canned, commercial solutions to common problems.

The goal of this site is to allow experience, knowledge and data from any subject matter to be recorded and shared. It is designed as a "mass mind" for information. Every page on the site has a small form attached to the bottom that allows you to add your own comments, links, and entire web pages to the site. All members are allowed and encouraged to add their own links and comments to each existing page or to add new pages of their own. Some knowledge of basic HTML is required. Hint: don't enter the < character in your comment unless you are starting an HTML tag!

Information that you have in your mind right now, will be gone in a very short time. The massmind allows you to organize and record (privately if you wish) that information and to see information on the same subject from others. Advertisements are welcomed, personal information is fine. Information marked private by the member who posted it will never be released to anyone except as required by law enforcement officers.

We call this TANSTAAFL web hosting. We don't charge, but we do:

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