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Language Ccpp Cref Examples Lenstr.c

/ ************************************************************************
 * Purpose: Find the length of a string.
 *	    This duplicates the  strlen function found in string.h
 * Author:  M J Leslie
 * Date:    20-Mar-94

#include <stdio.h>

int lenstr(const char *text);

  char kb_buf[80];				/* Keyboard buffer	*/

  puts(" Please enter some text ");
  printf("Text is %d characters long.\n", lenstr(gets(kb_buf)));

 *	Find the length of a string - does not check if we fall off
 *	the end of the text buffer. oops.

int lenstr(const char *text)
  int  count=-1;				/* Character counter	*/

  while(text[++count] != '\0') ;		/* Serach for a null	*/

  return(count);				/* Return the position 
						 * of the NULL-1	*/

file: /Techref/language/ccpp/cref/EXAMPLES/lenstr.c, 0KB, , updated: 1997/4/21 09:52, local time: 2024/9/17 16:52,

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