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Electronic Forms Integration with CLS

Most of the common printing programs in CLS have been modified to support Electronic Forms including the mapping of print data. This means that the data normally printed by the CLS program is "recorded" rather than printed to the printer and our electronic "e-Form" is then able to "play back" each bit of data at any location, with any font (even some barcodes) and can be bolded, increased or decreased in size, etc.... This complete solution requires that CLS install these new programs on your system.


  1. Contact CLS sales at +1 (949) 598-6303 and request Electronic Forms!
  2. CLS Sales will answer customer questions and explain what is available and the costs involved. CLS contacts Electronic Forms Plus, Inc. and requests samples and order forms be sent to the client.
  3. Electronic Forms Plus, Inc. and CLS answer any further customer questions and assist the customer in filling out the order form.
  4. Once the customer has placed the order by faxing the filled out order form along with a signed copy of this document and sending a deposit check, copy and artwork to Electronic Forms Plus, Inc., CLS is notified of the order.
  5. The customer, with CLS, checks the existing installation to verify that the requested form printing programs have not been customized and have been converted for e-Forms, and that the laser printers are connected correctly. CLS arranges for payment for their services and works out any details with the customer. (See below)
  6. Within one week of receiving the order, deposit, copy and artwork, Electronic Forms Plus, Inc. will provide the customer with proof copies of the forms.
  7. The customer reviews the proofs, marks any changes and request new proofs or signs the proofs as "ok" or as "ok with changes" and faxes them back to Electronic Forms Plus, Inc.
  8. As soon as approved proofs are received by Electronic Forms Plus, Inc. CLS is contacted and an installation date is scheduled.
  9. Printer resident e-Form storage devices (FLASH memory chips) are sent to the customer for installation into the laser printers (see the memory installation instructions for the printer model used)
  10. CLS dials in and upgrades the selected print programs to the e-Forms enabled versions.
  11. If MICR check printing has been ordered, the customer orders the MICR toner, works with CLS to adjust the position of the MICR line, and with their bank to verify the check face. (See below)

A few important notes to make this transition easier:

If, at any time, you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at 1-888-337-2776.

Please indicate that you have read, understand and agree with the items on this page by signing here:

Orders can not be processed without receipt of this document with signature of purchasing authority.

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