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FASTOPEN + Storing Recently Opened Files in Memory

Stores in memory the location of directories and recently

opened files so that files can be located quickly.


PC-DOS 3.3




[d:][path] FASTOPEN pd:[=nnn]


[d:][path] Specifies the drive letter and path that

contain the FASTOPEN command file.

pd: Specifies the drive to process.

[=nnn] Specifies the number of directories or

files to remember for the drive

specified as pd:. If no number is

specified, the default of 34 is used.

The range of numbers specified must be

between 10 and 999. In addition, the sum

of all nnn files cannot exceed 999.

FASTOPEN is used to speed up access of files on hard disks

with complex directory structures.



instructs DOS to remember the locations of the last 100

directories or files that were opened on drive C.


Cannot use FASTOPEN for drive x

FASTOPEN can be used only on hard disk drives. It cannot be used

on floppy drives or on network drives, or on drives that have

been operated on with the JOIN, SUBST, or ASSIGN command.

FASTOPEN already installed

FASTOPEN has already been loaded. No action is required.

Same drive specified more than once

Reenter the command, specifying each drive letter once.

Too many drive entries

You have specified too many drive letters. Reenter the command

with fewer drive letters.

Too many name entries

You have specified a number greater than 999. Change the number

to less than 999 and try again.


FASTOPEN is used only once, and it is usually placed in the


The minimum number of directories or file entries that

FASTOPEN remembers the location of is 10; the maximum is 999. The

number you assign should be greater than the deepest level of

subdirectory you are using. If you access more than the number of

files you specified during a session, the least recently accessed

file is removed from the list and replaced by the most recently

accessed file.


[For related topics, press R]


ASSIGN Command

JOIN Command

SUBST Command

file: /Techref/DOS/command/fastopen.htm, 2KB, , updated: 1999/2/20 11:24, local time: 2024/9/17 19:29,

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